Algemene informatie:
ZIJN Boodschap voor een betrouwbare uitleg van de Bijbelse Profetieën en "Gerechtigheid door Geloof" (Rom. 3:22) met uitleg vanuit het Oude- en Nieuwe Testament. Waarom een betrouwbaar bewijs? Waarom kunnen we dit vermelden? Omdat alleen de Bijbel de kennis en het enige juiste bewijs geeft van wat waarheid of dwaling is. Ook Jezus Christus wijst ons op het onfeilbare Woord en vraagt; "hoe leest gij?" Met andere woorden; Jezus Christus zegt ook nu tegen ons, dat wanneer wij niet goed op de hoogte zijn met Gods Woord, wij bedrogen zullen worden door overleveringen van mensen, (Dan. 9:10,11 + Jer. 17:5,6 + Jes. 29:13 + Matth. 5:19 + 15:9 en Titus 1:14) welke vaak met leugens zijn vermengd. (Gal. 1:6-12) De apostelen waarschuwen ons in het bijzonder voor de vele valse profeten (Mark. 13:22 + Hand. 13:6) in de eindtijd en ook dat men de 'gezonde leer' (2 Tim 4:3) "Gerechtigheid door Geloof" (Titus 2:11,12) niet meer zal verdragen. Wij willen u, met Gods genade, hiervoor waarschuwen, niet door hier en daar een tekst te lezen, maar het gehele Bijbelboek, dus zien in welke context het is geschreven. De sleutel voor dit bewijs ligt in Jesaja 28:10,13, teneinde te ontdekken wat Gods Zoon, 'Onze geliefde HEERE Jezus', nu echt heeft bedoeld, om niet straks 'uitgeroeid te worden door gebrek aan kennis'. (Hosea 4:6)
Lees ook de volgende teksten in de context, waardoor u bovenstaande beter zult verstaan; Matth. 7:6, 21-23 + 21:43 + 22:12 + 24:11, 24 en 1-Tim. 4:1,2 + 2-Tim. 4:1-5 + 1-Petr. 17-19 en 1 Joh. 2:3-6 + 1 Joh. 3:6-11 + 2-Joh. 1:7-11 en Judas 1:4 + 1:10-13 en Joh. 12:35 + Joh. 13:28 + Joh. 16:8,13 + Joh. 17:14,17 +Joh. 19:15 en Opb. 18:4 + 14:13 + 20:4
Voor u aanvangt met de studie van ZIJN Boodschap is het belangrijk te weten dat u de aangegeven volgorde dient aan te houden, om zo stap voor stap te groeien in de kennis Gods. God is een God van orde en netheid, zo is ook in deze studie een orde te vinden, waardoor Gods Heilige Geest u kan onderwijzen. Tijdens de opeenvolgende studiefases, heeft u de mogelijkheid om de "Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap" (VIDEO-ERE-DIENSTEN) te volgen. (Zie hiervoor eerst Serie B 25 boxen en daarna Serie C 25 boxen)
Starting the first studies of HIS Message;
If you want to start watching the first videos, we recommend you to watch the Summary of Basic Series 1 “The Love of HIS Message” first. Here you will get a first short impression of the studies that are published by HIS Message.
Then you can continue to research and study God's Infallible Word for yourself, in order to really know what God has in mind for you personally in His Plan of Redemption, but also what you can expect in this end time history. You will be fully informed, not only in the four Gospels from the New Testament, but also in the prophecies from both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
You also want to discover the gold veins in the Bible and in all sincerity receive a correct Biblical answer to all your questions, instead of what people tell you? A correct order of study, with the possible repetition of the last study, is essential, to be able to interpret God's Infallible Word in the right way.
How can you best plan your studies to achieve the best results?
Try to schedule a fixed time (pattern) for your study, try your best to stick to it, because this will definitely pay off.
Try to free at least 1 hour a day for our beloved LORD Jesus, this is very important. By studying His Word you will get to know Him better; God's Holy Spirit will gladly help you with this.
By setting aside that one hour, you will be richly blessed throughout the day and the entire week. This in the form of power to do your work, in your family, at school and at home. God's Holy Spirit is available to us, to support us, to give us wisdom and especially to make the right choice/decisions in our lives
Many experience it as a great blessing to reserve this one hour early in the morning before breakfast and before all work starts. (tip: drink a glass of lukewarm water before this study hour; it is good for digestion to do this 1 hour before the morning meal)
You will also find that opposition will come in many ways, but if you continue to keep the regular hour of study for Jesus Christ, you will be richly blessed, for that is what the Lord has promised us.
You will also experience within a few weeks, or perhaps even sooner, a tremendous enrichment and great privilege in your spiritual life, as you will understand God's Word much better than before.
The best part is that Jesus Christ with His Holy Spirit and His Holy angels will help you to really understand the Word. And even better; a lasting personal bond is created between you, your Creator and God.
If you go from one study, e.g. Series Basis-1 to Basis-2 (See below), it is wise to first view the summaries again, you do this for all subsequent series, of which a summary has been made. (i.e. not all studies have a summary)
After you have seen a particular summary, many questions may arise in your mind, but you will find that if you follow the correct study order, all of these questions will be answered as you go along. Therefore, do not dwell too long on certain Bible questions
You will get a 'hunger' for the unadulterated truth from God's Word, which then changes into the 'New Light' of God, the Light that will be seen in this end time by all who, sincere of heart, desire to understand God's pure Truth for this time. And still later in the study, through what you have learned, you will discover the Biblical veins of gold. Christ presented the truth as 'a treasure hidden in a field'. This does not lie on the surface, we must 'dig' for it.
You will find that you have thought very differently about certain subjects or had misunderstood them. But now you learn that this is stated completely differently in the Bible, be glad about that, because you are studying precisely to discover "all the Truth".
Here you must realize above all that only the Infallible Word of God speaks the Truth; "It is written" these are the words with which Christ also confronted the devil, during the temptations after His period of 40 days and nights of fasting in the desert.
DVD Series Box Order:
When you have completed the entire series of 25 Box-A (pictured here) you can study the depths of God's Plan of Salvation by continuing with the "Prophet School of HIS Message". This series gives you a profound knowledge of what God has in mind with the 144,000 (Rev. 7+14) to come into the Eternal Covenant already on earth, through His power. The sincere workers will understand much better what it means "to follow Christ wherever He goes". (Rev. 14:4,5) But they will also see better what eternity will bring them. In addition, you can examine 25 Box-B with many Worship Services in it.
Study plan; complete VIDEO PROPHET SCHOOL A to D (C+D belongs to Box-C).
Currently , work is underway on the 25 Box-C series. After completion, all the Bible books of the New Testament will have been covered. All the letters of the apostles and also the Gospel of John in Series-7; "Proclamations of HIS Message" are explained in a "verse by verse" study during Worship Services. Of this, "All the truth of HIS Message-C" Series-10 is also published in low quality, to keep the costs low. It is expected that, with God's grace and power, Series-10 25 Box-C will be completed in 3 years.