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By God's grace, we have tried to include spiritual music in the website of HIS Message. Special attention is given to God's Plan of Salvation.

Why is it so important to add music from God's Plan of Salvation?

If you have followed most of the studies, you will have come to the conclusion that God is going to call His sincere children out of all church denominations one more time.

And although it is known that every church has its own music and songbook, we see the Psalms recurring everywhere, whereby it should be noted that there are many differences in the texts, but also in the style of the music, such as rhythmic, non-rhythmic, fast, moderate and solemn singing.

Various musical instruments are also used, even to the point of using bass guitar or drums to perform sacred spiritual music.

From this we can conclude that today's churchgoers often overshoot their target, in other words; sacred spiritual music begins to resemble worldly music or, even worse, the lyrics of certain new songs are in some cases even so presumptuous that it has nothing to do with humiliation before God. We can say that this music completely misses its target when it comes to true worship during the Worship Service. In these cases the service resembles a discotheque, where one can dance and jump and where drums are beaten vigorously in order to bring people into a certain ecstasy.

In the music of HIS Message you will discover nothing of presumption, but only modesty and reverence for our God and Creator.

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Of course we know that drums, tambourines, horns and trumpets were also used in Biblical history, but this aside for the moment, because these instruments are often used in our time in a wrong way, or with a wrong motive, which we cannot support from the Plan of Salvation. There is much to say about this, but we leave all other instruments alone and can substantiate Biblically that the organ is an acceptable Biblical instrument. However, it should be explicitly stated that this instrument is played with all reverence during a Worship Service. The latter also leaves much to be desired nowadays.

His Message uses the Psalms in the Worship Services only from a Biblical point of view. The organ together with the harp is one of the oldest instruments, which is also used in the most holy places. Think of the angels with their harps and of King David.

We too will play the harps in eternity, in order to glorify and exalt God.

The organ is found in most churches and dates back to the time of Jubal in the Bible. (Gen. 4:21) Job also speaks about the organ. (Job 21:12 and 30:31) And in Psalm 150:4 the organ is specifically mentioned.

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What is really important in the end times when it comes to the variety of songs that you can listen to on the HIS Message website?

With knowledge from the Plan of Salvation 'The New Light', which God has revealed to us (read Rev. 10:7-11) we may know that from all churches God's sincere children are called. All these sincere believers have their own background in music, rhythms, spiritual songs and especially certain memories of songs.

However, there will soon come a time when the doors of the churches will be closed on the Sabbath day, and it will no longer be permitted to meet together on the Sabbath; God's holy day of rest. We will then only be able to meet in the house churches, just as in the time after Christ's crucifixion and the stoning of Stephen. Paul also writes about this extensively. (Rom. 16:5 and Col. 4:15 etc.)

The Bible tells us that there will be 144,000 true believers, with mature characters, who will meet Jesus Christ alive in the clouds of heaven. Before that, for one year, the great Jacob's trouble will take place. (Isaiah 34:8) During this period, everyone's favorite songs will be sung. (Isaiah 30:29)



And ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy feast is kept, and gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come to the mountain of the LORD, to the Rock of Israel.

Isaiah 30:29


The core of all this is that HIS Message brings many songs to the audience. In particular the Psalms in different settings and from various chorale books, with short preludes and postludes as during the Worship Services, but also with extensive preludes, interludes and postludes, in which the text of the Psalms is depicted.



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