On this website you can find answers to many questions that people are currently occupied with. Furthermore, you will be informed about current events in this area, but also what is happening around us when it comes to the fulfillment of prophecies.

Study information; ZIJN Boodschap offers you a total package of study material, where everything, and that is more than 1500 video hours, is made available for free via the internet. The study material can be found mainly in the form of videos on this website, in addition there are various written studies to follow, which serve as support for the video studies. But many documents can also be downloaded for free.
Accompanying document for the studies of HIS Message;
Next to this you can download a document in PDF format with a number of study tips from HIS Message to properly investigate God's Infallible Word. ZIJN Boodschap offers you a complete package of study material, almost all of which is made available free of charge via the website.
Report of the mission and purpose of HIS Message;
Next to this you can download a document in PDF format with backgrounds why we started HIS Message and what the Biblical result is when examining God's Infallible Word. Take the time to examine this quietly to come to the Biblical conclusion of what God has in mind for us in His Plan of Salvation.

Interested? If you want to study the Bible independently, this website offers all the study material, with a study guide, that is needed in this time to prepare for Christ's return. Every Bible student should know for himself what is truth and should not rely on the knowledge of preachers, ministers, pastors, elders, etc. You have the opportunity to study God's Word yourself and God will lead you in this.
Which activities?
This is done through evangelistic actions, lectures, live presentations, prophet schools (courses), but especially through all online video, presentations/Bible studies, worship services/sermons, prophet schools and organ music on this website.

What can the webshop offer you?
For more and in-depth studies, you can order two types of DVDs in the web shop, namely in high and low quality. When you choose the low quality series, you can save considerably on costs. (low quality is website quality (down-load) Please note; all videos can be downloaded for free. Furthermore, the 'DVD low quality series' will soon be replaced by a USB stick, to be used in the computer, on which everything can be found of what HIS Message has to offer.
All studies, videos and documents (if relevant) are indicated with a series number and type and usually related to a specific image or color. This makes it easy to see which series or study you are in. It is also easy to find related documentation in this way. See VIDEO TABs at the top of the bar