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Music and faith;

Special - Music by Composers

Right Music and Faith are closely connected, with the emphasis on right music of course.

We at ZIJN Boodschap have decided to bring special organ music to your attention, which you, as a Bible Christian, can safely listen to and let your children listen to.

We hope that we can be of service to you in this way , to give you even more steadfastness in your personal faith experience and an extra dimension , because faith and music do indeed go together.

Also shown are biblical pictures, which give the music an extra coherence between faith and music. Here you will be able to see God's creative power.

God bless you as you listen to and view this music with photos.

2-Music by Composers played on organ see below

Below you will find music by certain composers that was composed specifically for the organ.


Max Reger; Thirty short chorale preludes, Opus 135a

  1. Max Reger Part-1 'Ach bleib met Deiner Gnade'

  2. Trade...



Handel - Lascia ch 'io pianga Aria uit "Rinaldo"

Handel - Lascia ch 'io pianga Aria uit "Rinaldo"

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Handel - Adagio (Concerto 9. Opus 7 No.3)

Handel - Adagio (Concerto 9. Opus 7 No.3)

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Max Reger - Lied 3  'Alles ist an Gottes Segen'

Max Reger - Lied 3 'Alles ist an Gottes Segen'

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Max Reger Deel 1  'Ach bleib mit Deiner Gnade'

Max Reger Deel 1 'Ach bleib mit Deiner Gnade'

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Mendelssohn Bartoldy Finale Andante V2

Mendelssohn Bartoldy Finale Andante V2

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