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Information Worship Services Series 7-I (8 Boxes total) Theme "Christ's experience is also our experience"
When we study the life of Christ and also what He teaches us about the three enemies, we realize more and more that the events during the life of Jesus Christ then, are also central in our time. We also see the same three enemies return, albeit in a different name, but they have the same objective and cunning ways as then against Jesus of Nazareth, with much mockery and scorn. His followers were called; 'the sect of the Nazarenes'. (Matt. 1:24 + Mark. 14:67 and John 15:7 + John 19:19 Acts 24:5,14 + 28:22)

It all seems to be okay now, but Jesus lets us know in no uncertain terms that those who want to follow Him in truth will be put out of the synagogue and when they are killed, they will think that they are 'doing a holy service to God' . John 16:2

Understand well that if we do not understand Jesus' words well, we can never stand, that is why His Words have been 'encrypted' (Isa. 28:10,13 + Rev. 10:7) passed on to us, so that we can prophesy again in the last days of world history and then prepare ourselves very well.

*Note general Part-1;

Realize that Jesus Christ came to this earth at the right time and that He will also bring the terrible tribulation and crisis at the right time, to try all by the final test. It all seems far away but it is therefore all the more dangerous, because it will come to many as 'a thief in the night' and who is prepared then?

See also; "Proclamations of HIS Message I-13" and "HIS Message in Prophecy Rev.1"

*Note specific Part-2;

Especially in evangelism it is necessary that all fellow believers must understand that, "only believe and you will be saved" or in other words "cheap grace!" or even worse; "God's Law is nailed to the cross" is absolutely not Biblical and is not explained or substantiated in the Bible at all. All this is a cunning satanic deception that many religious communities are not aware of. That is why you will find the correct substantiation in three Worship Services I-9 to I-11 on the internet below. This is what our LORD Jesus personally said about this terrible deception. Investigate it yourself from Matthew 7, in which is fully substantiated what our Beloved Savior and Redeemer himself has spoken.

Scroll all the way down for the three Honorary Services.

Below you will find the themes used in these Honorary Services.

(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)

Basic Series 7-I Proclamations of HIS Message (Honor Services Volume I through VIII)

Box I1 to I8: The Bible book of Matthew for the end times - Main theme; "Christ's experience is also our experience!"

Box I2:

I09. Matthew 7:1-5*

“Admonishment is different from judging, because you may not admonish until you want to die!”

I10. Matthew 7:6-14*

“Sincere prayer can accomplish much, but it is a narrow path!”

I11. Matthew 7:15-29*

"You can also learn to discover the true fruits through the last light!"

I12. Matthew 8:1-13

“How leprous are we SDA? Or will the Catholics lead the way into God’s kingdom?”

I13. Matthew 8:14-34

“The ship is coming in the third Woe! And you are surrounded by people possessed by the devil!”

I14. Matthew 9:1-17

“Christ and His followers bring New Light, only in New vessels!”

I15. Matthew 9:18-38

“The leaders and the unclean dead church with the blind, get another chance for the harvest!”

I16. Matthew 10:1-10

“The disciples are called as reformers, with a new commission for this time!”

For all Themes of the Gospel of Matthew see tab Video-Worship-Services 'S-7 Matthew Part-1'

Serie-7I-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Matthéüs

Serie-7I-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Matthéüs

Serie-7I-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Matthéüs
Serie 7I Deel 1 Ere Dienst Mattheus 1;1 25

Serie 7I Deel 1 Ere Dienst Mattheus 1;1 25

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Serie 7I Deel 2 Ere Dienst Mattheus 2;1 23

Serie 7I Deel 2 Ere Dienst Mattheus 2;1 23

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Serie 7I Deel 3 Ere Dienst Mattheus 3;1 20

Serie 7I Deel 3 Ere Dienst Mattheus 3;1 20

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Serie 7I Deel 4 Ere Dienst Mattheus 4;1 21

Serie 7I Deel 4 Ere Dienst Mattheus 4;1 21

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Serie 7I Deel 5 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5

Serie 7I Deel 5 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5

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Serie 7I Deel 6 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5;1 6

Serie 7I Deel 6 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5;1 6

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Serie 7I Deel 7 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5;11 48

Serie 7I Deel 7 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5;11 48

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Serie 7I Deel 8 Ere Dienst Mattheus 6;1 24

Serie 7I Deel 8 Ere Dienst Mattheus 6;1 24

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Serie 7I Deel 9 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7A

Serie 7I Deel 9 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7A

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Serie 7I Deel 10 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7B

Serie 7I Deel 10 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7B

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Serie 7I Deel 11 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7C

Serie 7I Deel 11 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7C

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Serie 7I Deel 12 Ere Dienst Mattheus 8A

Serie 7I Deel 12 Ere Dienst Mattheus 8A

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Serie 7I Deel 13 Ere Dienst Mattheus 8B

Serie 7I Deel 13 Ere Dienst Mattheus 8B

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Serie 7I Deel 14 Ere Dienst Mattheus 9A

Serie 7I Deel 14 Ere Dienst Mattheus 9A

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Serie 7I Deel 15 Ere Dienst Mattheus 9B

Serie 7I Deel 15 Ere Dienst Mattheus 9B

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Serie 7I Deel 16 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10A

Serie 7I Deel 16 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10A

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Serie 7I Deel 17 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10B

Serie 7I Deel 17 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10B

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Serie 7I Deel 18 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10C

Serie 7I Deel 18 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10C

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Serie 7I Deel 19 Ere Dienst Mattheus 11A

Serie 7I Deel 19 Ere Dienst Mattheus 11A

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Serie 7I Deel 20 Ere Dienst Mattheus 11B

Serie 7I Deel 20 Ere Dienst Mattheus 11B

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Serie 7I Deel 21 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12A

Serie 7I Deel 21 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12A

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Serie 7I Deel 22 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12B

Serie 7I Deel 22 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12B

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Serie 7I Deel 23 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12C

Serie 7I Deel 23 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12C

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Serie 7I Deel 24 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12D

Serie 7I Deel 24 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12D

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Serie 7I Deel 25 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 25 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 26 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 26 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 27 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 27 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 28 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 28 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 29 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 29 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 30 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen wmv

Serie 7I Deel 30 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen wmv

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Serie 7I Deel 31 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 31 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 32 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 32 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 33 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 33 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 34 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 34 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 35 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14A

Serie 7I Deel 35 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14A

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Serie 7I Deel 36 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14B

Serie 7I Deel 36 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14B

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Serie 7I Deel 37 Ere Dienst Mattheus +Markus 14C

Serie 7I Deel 37 Ere Dienst Mattheus +Markus 14C

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Serie 7I Deel 38 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14D

Serie 7I Deel 38 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14D

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Serie 7I Deel 39 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14E

Serie 7I Deel 39 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14E

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Serie 7I Deel 40 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14F

Serie 7I Deel 40 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14F

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