I nformation health;
Our bodies are built up out of the food we eat, every organ of the body requiring its share of nourishment. The brain must be supplied with its share, the bones, muscles and nerves require theirs. It is a wonderful process that food supplies every part of the body with life and strength. That food must be chosen which best furnishes the elements necessary for the building up of the body. In this choice appetite is no safe guide. By wrong habits of eating the appetite is spoiled. We cannot be safely guided by the habits of society; the diseases and suffering which everywhere prevail are largely due to popular errors in diet. In order to know what is the best food we must study God's original plan for the human diet. Grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables form the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared as simply and naturally as possible, are the most wholesome and nourishing.

Many eat too much, too irregularly, too fat, too sweet, too poor, too little or too....., there is much to add to this. But what does God's Word say about this? The Israelites went from Egypt to the promised land with the correct instructions from God regarding their food. And since many of these instructions can be found in the Bible, it is important to investigate this.
Videos Walter Veith;
ZIJN Bericht has decided to specifically support the Health Message with videos by Professor Dr. Walter Veith, in order to make this knowledge available to everyone. In these videos, the correct nutritional theory is presented, which is almost entirely in accordance with the "Spirit of Prophecy"; the health theory made known by Jesus Christ to the prophetess EG White.
Walter Veith's videos are even more scientifically based in some respects, as research has continued. It also shows that cause and effect can be disastrous and in some cases even destroy entire generations and families.
HIS Message Videos;
Below you will find HIS Message from the Basic Series 2
A- God's Health Plan Part--1
B- God's Health Plan Part-2
It is wise to first investigate parts 1 and 2 above and then start with parts 1 to 5 below
Below you will find one of the most important series by Walter Veith;
1- Life at its best
2-Your health your choice
3-Sitting on a time bomb
4-Extremely amazing
5-Health and happiness
Required study material Series-2-Basic;
"Patriarchs and Prophets Chapter Daniel "
Book advice;
"Advice on diet and nutrition"
"A new start"
"This is how God heals"
Gezondheid van ZIJN Boodschap
Gezondheid van ZIJN Boodschap

Serie-2-_Basis-31-Gods gezondheidsplan DEEL 1

Serie-2-_Basis-32-Gods gezondheidsplan DEEL 2

1 Het leven op z'n best

2 Uw gezondheid, uw keuze

3 Op een tijdbom zitten

4 Uiterst verbazingwekkend