Information Honorary Services Series 7-Q (1 Box/Volume - with 10 DVDs instead of the usual 8 Box DVDs)
Theme Series Q; Through the brothers and sisters who have crept in, the falsifications are introduced into God's Infallible Gospel Word.
General Galatians letter part 1;
We now find ourselves in the circumstances of Paul's letter to the Galatians period. We can learn from this, how we should react to this and also emphatically, how we should act, if we do not want to be lost in the errors of others.
- How should we see the three orders with all the falsifications of the three plus 1 peoples (the last church)? If you recognize this, you can very well recognize the falsifications in our time.
- How serious is the situation with infant baptism in today's church communities, as it is claimed that infant baptism has replaced circumcision?
-How does one attempt to deny and destroy the 1st through 7th churches of Revelation 2 and 3 by claiming that the replacement theory is false? (note the phrase with "far" in front as if this were a "counterfeit" in God's Infallible Word "The Bible").
-How do the false prophets (both men and women) try to destroy the pure Biblical truth by infiltrating the churches to impose their false ideas on sincere believers?
-We also see this base and false way of working among the Pharisees, Scribes, Lawyers, Herodians, Sadducees and the 70 apostate disciples of John the Baptist, against our beloved LORD Jesus Christ and then also against the 12 disciples in the 5th Reformation period.
-You will find in these Worship Services that nothing has changed; even in a more cunning way they try to mix Biblical Truth with subtle lies.
-In which church were these vile false practices, by the agents of satan, first presented? This was the best Christian church in Antioch. (Acts 15 is therefore fully covered in this box)
If you have understood all this, you will undoubtedly begin to see that it is precisely the last (3+1) people "the elect of God" (the 144,000) who are attacked the most. (Mark 13:22 and Matthew 24:24)
What will happen next? God Himself will reveal everything through the Latter Rain, with the result; "Would that they also would be cut off which trouble you, for ye have been called unto liberty by our Savior into the (3+1) people !" (Galatians 5:12,13a)
Advice: It is assumed that you have followed the preliminary study with all the Worship Services otherwise you will never be able to understand the depth of Paul's letter to the Galatians, let alone appreciate it. Here the painful falsifications in the Protestant churches are openly exposed.
the same goes for Acts 15, to avoid repetition.
General the letter of Titus part 2;
Here we find the saving grace gifts of Jesus Christ (the Savior) mentioned seven times. With this Paul has clearly shown how important it is to get to know God by studying His Infallible Word, through which you receive instruction from God. In this section we learn that there is indeed a difference between the imputed righteousness of Christ (the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross) and the imparted righteousness (the teaching grace gifts which our LORD Jesus Christ Himself carried out in His life and also taught His disciples to pass on to us. Paul in particular has clearly told Titus to be aware of this.
Study advice; Below you will find important study advice regarding the subjects and books that are discussed. Especially the falsifications that have penetrated from the forefathers such as Augustine, on whom Calvin built his dogmas and which have also crept into the SDA. This gives a good insight into what is now happening in all churches. (see S-03- The (false) theology in God's church S7)
General note: This box also covers part of the Epistle to the Romans, namely chapters 6, 7 and 8. These chapters are not covered again in the Epistle to the Romans itself.
Information 25 Series-C Box series Honorary Services;
In this first series of Worship Services you will be fully informed about "Righteousness by Faith" from the Bible and the "Spirit of Prophecy" so that you can deeply understand and live out the meaning and knowledge of the Mystery of Godliness, in preparation for the Loud Cry.
General web shop;
You can order these high quality boxes separately but later (after about 5 years) also in the 25 Series-C boxes and then in low quality "All the truth of HIS Message". When all Honorary Services are completed, the "Prophet Schools of HIS Message C+D+?" will only be added in the 25 Boxes Series-C.

Below you will find the themes used in these Honorary Services.
(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)
Basic Series-7 Proclamations of HIS Message (Honor Services Volumes I = 10 Box)
Galatians and Titus Main Theme "Through the crept-in brothers and sisters, the falsifications are introduced into God's Infallible Gospel Word!"
Q1-The Bible Book of Galatians Chapter 1:1-22
“How many are there now who are being cursed because they preach a false gospel?”
Q2-The Bible Book of Acts Chapter 15:1-41
"How many counterfeits have crept into the 3 nations surrounding circumcision?"
Q3-The Bible Book of Galatians Chapter 2:1-21
"If we have the revelation of our LORD, we will not fear counterfeits!"
Q4-The Bible Book of Galatians Chapter 3:1-29
"Which law then is the tutor? And which law is now glorified or destroyed?"
Q5-The Bible Book of Galatians Chapter 4:1-31
"Which 'father' do you follow? Augustine the false idolatrous church father or our Abba Father?
Q6-The Bible Book of Galatians Chapter 5:1-26 + Romans 7
"We will all have to independently cut off those who have made us restless for too long!"
Q7-The Bible Book of Galatians Chapter 6:1-18 + Romans 8
“If you have sown in the right Spirit of God, you will also testify in that Spirit of God!”
Q8-The Bible Book of Titus Chapter 1:1-16
“The true elect sons of God will faithfully teach sound doctrine!”
Q9-The Bible Book of Titus Chapter 2:1-15
"For the gift of God which brings salvation is taught by the Savior!"
Q10-The Bible Book of Titus Chapter 3:1-15 + Romans 6
"They are all holy, they are all baptized! Early in the morning God will tell you!"
Serie-7Q-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Galaten+Titus
Serie-7Q-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Galaten+Titus

Serie 7Q Deel 1 Ere Dienst Galaten 1A en Titus

Serie 7Q Deel 2 Ere Dienst Galaten 1B+Titus+Hand 15

Serie 7Q Deel 3 Ere Dienst Galaten 2+Titus

Serie 7Q Deel 4 Ere Dienst Galaten 3+Titus

Serie 7Q Deel 5 Ere Dienst Galaten 4A+Titus

Serie 7Q Deel 6 Ere Dienst Galaten 4B+Titus hersteld

Serie 7Q Deel 7 Ere Dienst Galaten 4C+Titus

Serie 7Q Deel 8 Ere Dienst Galaten 4D+Titus

Serie 7Q Deel 9 Ere Dienst Galaten 4E+Titus