The Series-8B; PRB01-PRB64 "The 1843 and 1850 Charts in God's Plan of Salvation" (4 boxes),
Information; The “Prophet School of HIS Message B” is an in depth study of the 1843 Chart (Box 1) and 1850 Chart (Box 2), with references to several other studies of HIS Message. As a result, you will be able to independently explain these two Charts. In Boxes 3 and 4, many dangers are discussed that now surround the SDA church, but also additional evidence for the 2300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8:14. The 4 generations within all 3 peoples will play an important role in end time prophecy. You will understand that God will personally lead all the honest in heart into the present truth, (2 Pet. 1:12+19-21) in order to prepare the (3+1 people) and the (3+1 horns) to let the 'Round-Breasted Testimony' be heard within the SDA church, and then the 'Loud Cry' to all other church communities.
In this Series-8-B you will gain an understanding of why God leads us to the Old Testament again and again, and teaches us through 'Prophesying Again' where we must get strength and wisdom from, if we want to be able to carry out the Plan of Salvation in the right way. If one does not want to obey the 10 commandments of God, one will no longer be able to receive 'New Light' , especially when it comes to the 2520, we see that God's commandments play an important role in this. We will also learn that God's commandment-keeping people have been given all the possibilities by God not to be "found too light" .
Much of the "New Light" (note no New Doctrine BC.399 + 320), which has been entrusted to God's last people, the Charta Oecumene churches (all churches except the SDA church) may understand and comprehend. God will personally commit Himself for these churches (BC 674-675 and LDE 171+185+169+165+153+143+196 etc..) They may understand the depths of God's Plan of Salvation! What a great time this will be for all Babylonian churches during the 'Loud Cry' . (Rev. 18:4 and 14:6-11)
In this Series-8-B you will gain an understanding of why God leads us to the Old Testament again and again, and teaches us through 'Prophesying Again' where we must get strength and wisdom from, if we want to be able to carry out the Plan of Salvation in the right way. If one does not want to obey the 10 commandments of God, one will no longer be able to receive 'New Light' , especially when it comes to the 2520, we see that God's commandments play an important role in this. We will also learn that God's commandment-keeping people have been given all the possibilities by God not to be "found too light" .
Much of the "New Light" (note no New Doctrine BC.399 + 320), which has been entrusted to God's last people, the Charta Oecumene churches (all churches except the SDA church) may understand and comprehend. God will personally commit Himself for these churches (BC 674-675 and LDE 171+185+169+165+153+143+196 etc..) They may understand the depths of God's Plan of Salvation! What a great time this will be for all Babylonian churches during the 'Loud Cry' . (Rev. 18:4 and 14:6-11)
Below you will find the themes used in this Bible study video series.
(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)
Series PRB1-PRB64 = Prophets School of HIS Message "The 1843 and 1850 Charts in God's Plan of Salvation" In four Boxes Volume I+II+II+IV
This DVD box Volume-I PRB01-B16 contains the following titles:
PRB1. "Introduction to Bible Prophecy from the 1843 Chart."
PRB2. "The Biblical Foundations and Pillars from the 1843 Chart"
PRB3. “How Should We Properly Examine the Bibles?”
PRB4. "The Biblical Dates in Prophecy from the 1843 Chart"
PRB5. "Biblical Prophecy and the Image of Nebuchadnezzar"
PRB6. "The eighth king receives power from the 10 horns"
PRB7. "The Biblical Prophecies from Daniel 7 Reconfirmed"
PRB8. "Rome, eighth power in history and future"
PRB9. "Antiochus Epiphanes Comes During the Roman Reign"
PRB10. "The Dragon and His Minions Here on Earth"
PRB11. "During the 1260 years the 1st and 2nd bottomless pit"
PRB12. "The Start of the 3rd Bottomless Pit and 3rd Woe in 1798"
PRB13. "The Working Out of the 2nd to the 3rd Woe in Our Time"
PRB14. "The Power of the Papacy from Then to Now (A)"
PRB15. "The Power of the Papacy from Then to Now (B)"
PRB16. “Our Passport to Heaven is; Righteousness by Faith”
This DVD box Volume-II PRB17-PRBA32 contains the following titles:
PRB17. “The Biblical Covenants and the 1850 Chart”
PRB18. “Compromising and committing fornication with Babylon is the end and death”
PRB19. “The Treasures of Babylon Laid bare, and the End is at Hand”
PRB20. “The 3 Angels Messages and the Number 666 Unsealed”
PRB21. “The 3 Woes and the 7 Times (1x2520 Curse) on the 1850 Chart”
PRB22. “The Seven Times and the Curse Cometh upon All Nations” (A)
PRB23. “The Seven Times and the Curse Cometh upon All Nations” (B)
PRB24. “The 3+1 Covenants and the Sanctuary Doctrine for Today” “Righteousness by Faith”
PRB25. “We Carry With Us the Sanctuary Given by God” “Righteousness by Faith”
PRB26. “Woe to him who pulls out a block or a pin” (first short repetition)
PRB27. “He that eateth not my flesh, and drinketh my blood” (John 6 + Hab.2)
PRB28. “Wanting to be inspired or humbled” (Uriah Smith as an example)
PRB29. “The 2 group of workers, must know their place” (Uriah Smith as an example)
PRB30. “The Lessons for Us, from the 6 Rev. Per. in Our Day” (Uriah Smith as an example)
PRB31. “The forgeries now, with the 2X2 groups in the 3 Herv. Per.”
PRB32. “The lessons for us, from the 5th and 6th Reformed Churches.”
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This DVD box Volume-III PRB33-PRB48 contains the following titles:
PRB33. “The 3+1 Eagles among Babylonian Leaders”
PRB34. “How far will the USA go with its secret organizations?” (Freemasons)
PRB35. “Where does Jew hatred start and soon SDA hatred?” (With occultism)
PRB36. “How will the three major NWO groups (birds) come together in the future?”
PRB37. “The 3+1 Holocaust in our time as a warning”
PRB38. “The Israelites Oppressed and Scattered in Four Generations” (The 1st-4th Curse of Leviticus 26)
PRB39. “What Can We Learn from Literal Israel?”
PRB40. “How are the four generations established among God’s people?”
PRB41. “Where else in history do we see the four generations?”
PRB42. “The Israelites in the 2nd Generation, the 2nd Curse of Leviticus 26”
PRB43. “The Oppression of the Jews in Jerusalem in 70 A.D.” The 3rd Curse of Leviticus 26
PRB44. “The Zealots* and the Crusades, again?” And the 2nd Rome = 4th curse!
PRB45. “Rome's Counterfeit Worship Form” B: Start Spiritual Israel
PRB46. “The Four Generations of Spiritual Israel” 4x the Rejection or Curse
PRB47. “The Time of Changes, Within Spiritual Israel”
PRB48. “The time after the apostate generations, and then the punishment” But also protection by God!
This DVD box Volume-IV PRB49-PRB64 contains the following titles:
PRB49. “The Time of the Four Generations of Modern Israel” After 4x the Rejection or Curse
PRB50. “The Time of 1888 and 2nd-4th Generation in Modern Israel” 1888 is the cockcrow
PRB51. “Introduction; The Pillars and Foundations of the Pioneers Rejected”
PRB52. “They wanted to destroy the “perpetual” and the 2300 years” The Conradi heresy!
PRB53. “It is becoming very important for our studies again”
PRB54. “Letters between Hiram Edson and James White regarding the 2520” And the Forged Charts
PRB55. “How Did James White Fall Away From the Truth?” 2520 + Charts
PRB56. "The Longest Time Prophecy?"
PRB57. “Resisting New Light Will Be Disastrous” Even Falsifying God’s Word!
PRB58. “How special was Uriah Smith's letter in his later years?”
PRB59. “How special were the four generations then, and now again?” The 4th Pillar
PRB60. “The Falsifications in Sanctuary Doctrine” Another Pillar Falls!
PRB61. “The Little Horn Counterfeits” Another Column Destroyed!
PRB62. “The three angels’ messages are no longer preached” Another pillar falls!
PRB63. “Judgment and the Glorious Land” Another Pillar Falls!
PRB64. “Judgment is coming, but so is victory” Home at last!
Serie-8B-Profetenschool van ZIJN Boodschap-1844 en 1855 Charts
Serie-8B-Profetenschool van ZIJN Boodschap-1844 en 1855 Charts

Serie 8B Deel 1 Verd Profetenschool B1+B2

Serie 8B Deel 2 Verd Profetenschool B3+B4

Serie 8B Deel 3 Verd Profetenschool B5+B6

Serie 8B Deel 4 Verd Profetenschool B7+B8

Serie 8B Deel 5 Verd Profetenschool B9+B10

Serie 8B Deel 6 Verd Profetenschool B11+B12

Serie 8B Deel 7 Verd Profetenschool B13+B14

Serie 8B Deel 8 Verd Profetenschool B15+B16

Serie 8B Deel 9 Verd Profetenschool B17+B18

Serie 8B Deel 10 Verd Profetenschool B19+B20

Serie 8B Deel 11 Verd Profetenschool B21+B22

Serie 8B Deel 12 Verd Profetenschool B23+B24

Serie 8B Deel 13 Verd Profetenschool B25+B26

Serie 8B Deel 14 Verd Profetenschool B27+B28

Serie 8B Deel 15 Verd Profetenschool B29+B30

Serie 8B Deel 16 Verd Profetenschool B31+B32

Serie 8B Deel 17 Verd Profetenschool B33+B34

Serie 8B Deel 18 Verd Profetenschool B35+B36

Serie 8B Deel 19 Verd Profetenschool B37+B38

Serie 8B Deel 20 Verd Profetenschool B39+B40

Serie 8B Deel 21 Verd Profetenschool B41+B42

Serie 8B Deel 22 Verd Profetenschool B43+B44

Serie 8B Deel 23 Verd Profetenschool B45+B46

Serie 8B Deel 24 Verd Profetenschool B47+B48

Serie 8B Deel 25 Verd Profetenschool B49+B50

Serie 8B Deel 26 Verd Profetenschool B51+B52

Serie 8B Deel 27 Verd Profetenschool B53+B54

Serie 8B Deel 28 Verd Profetenschool B55+B56

Serie 8B Deel 29 Verd Profetenschool B57+B58

Serie 8B Deel 30 Verd Profetenschool B59+B60

Serie 8B Deel 31 Verd Profetenschool B61+B62

Serie 8B Deel 32 Verd Profetenschool B63+B64