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General information:
HIS Message, in full trust in God, has decided to create a special opportunity for everyone by providing all Bible Studies, Prophet Schools, Worship Services and Song Services free of charge.
Everyone is free to make a voluntary contribution to accelerate God's work within HIS Message, for the conclusion of this end time history and thus also the return of Christ Jesus on the clouds of heaven. Then we will all "Finally Come Home in the Heavenly Courts!" You could also read the above in the report of HIS Message.

Practically obtaining the series, what should you do?
To obtain all the Bible series of ZIJN Boodschap, you must send a sturdy envelope containing an empty USB stick and a sufficiently stamped sturdy return envelope, with your name and address details, to ZIJN Boodschap Porfierstraat 9 8255 AJ Swifterbant. It is also possible to send an empty SSD disk.
Please note; There are two types of storage qualities available, namely HQ=High Quality and LQ=Low Quality. (LQ-ends) The storage capacity of 1 DVD (often 2 studies) is approximately 250 MB-LQ and 1-G-Byte-HQ. So with this you can independently determine how many DVDs (studies) are sent. Therefore, an SSD disk will be needed sooner, in order to receive everything at once. ZIJN Boodschap cannot be held liable for any loss or damage to the USB stick or SSD disk. It is therefore wise to have both envelopes (shipping and return) sent by registered mail and with track & trace code.
Note-1; All videos and documentation must be copied to the USB stick at once otherwise we cannot provide you with a full copy of all videos and documentation that we provide.
Note-2; From the year 2025 all recording equipment will be upgraded to 4K recordings, which means that the existing Low Quality video (LQ) will be discontinued and completely replaced by High Quality videos (HQ). As a result, these 4K recordings will no longer be available on USB due to the size of the files. These will be available in the future to study and view on the website of ZIJN Boodschap.


Additional explanation of the order of studying: (applies to both groups)

Why do you need to have followed and studied all the information and study videos on the website before you can/may place an order to get all the series of HIS Message?

Experience shows that when Bible students are not well-versed in the basic series, they have great difficulty understanding the depth of God's Word in the follow-up studies.

If one does not have sufficient basic knowledge, one will also not be able to properly understand the Worship Services, in which verse by verse explanations are given regarding God's Infallible Word.

Yet it is important to have followed these Worship Services before receiving the full program of HIS Message for free. Ultimately, one will learn to appreciate the importance of self-study in order to understand all of God's Infallible Word.

Starting the first studies of HIS Message;

If you want to start with the first videos, we recommend that you first watch the Summary of Basic Series 1 “The Love of HIS Message”. Here you will get a short impression of the studies that are published by HIS Message.

Then you can continue to research and study God's Infallible Word for yourself, in order to really know what God has in mind for you personally in His Plan of Redemption, but also what you can expect in end-time history. You will be fully informed, not only in the four Gospels from the New Testament, but also in the prophecies from both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

You also want to discover the gold veins in the Bible and in all sincerity receive a correct Biblical answer to all your questions, instead of what people tell you? A correct order of study, with possibly repeating the last study, is essential to be able to interpret God's Infallible Word in the right way.


DVD Series Box Set Order: (ends)

When you have completed the entire series of 25 Box-A (pictured here) you can study the depths of God's Plan of Salvation by continuing with the "Prophet School of HIS Message". This series gives you a profound knowledge of what God has in mind with the 144,000 (Rev. 7+14) to come into the Eternal Covenant already on earth, through His power. The sincere workers will understand much better what it means "to follow Christ wherever He goes". (Rev. 14:4,5) But they will also see better what eternity will bring them. In addition, you can examine 25 Box-B with many Worship Services in it.

Study plan; complete VIDEO PROPHET SCHOOL A to D (C+D belongs to Box-C).

Currently , work is underway on the 25 Box-C series. After completion, all the Bible books of the New Testament will have been covered. All the letters of the apostles and also the Gospel of John in Series-7; "Proclamations of HIS Message" are explained in a "verse by verse" study during Worship Services. Also of this, "All the truth of HIS Message-C" Series-10 is published in low quality, to keep the costs low. It is expected that, with God's grace and power, Series-10 25 Box-C will be completed in 3 years.



For all Bible studies and Prophet schools you can apply for personal guidance in a group setting, see the link below to the application.

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