Series-8-E; PRE1-PRE80 "Cause of the FIREBALLS, and the Effect; the 1st through the 10th Plagues, the Second Coming of Christ, the Millennium, Gog-Magog, and the New Heaven and Earth.
In the “Prophets School of HIS Message-E” ( under construction) , a thorough explanation is given of the Babylonian confusion, which is frequently introduced in all churches at this time, through the rise of many false prophets. (Matt. 24:11,24) It is therefore of eternal importance for all, to discover where these falsifications come from and how they are taught and carried out in all churches. (also in God's last church of the SDA)
After you have discovered these twisted scripture explanations (false prophecies), you will be better able to make the right choice for God, concerning the Sunday law. You can also warn your family, your relatives and especially your brothers and sisters with these truths. In order for all to respond to the call of Jesus Christ; “Come out of her My people” (Rev. 18:4) This apostate situation, of “God's people” (Rev. 3:16-17) and especially "My people" (Rev. 18:4) is frequently substantiated, partly from the encyclopedia (Wiki Pedia) and especially history books written by the many sincere SDA members and even preachers, who have stood up for the Truth, even at the cost of their own lives. (below you will find a number of books, which were used in the creation of the 'The Prophet School of HIS Message-E'
You will gain a profound insight in this study into how satan has worked, and is still working, to deceive and destroy God's SDA people first. If this were to succeed, the 'Pure Biblical Truth' could never be brought, but here 'God will personally intervene' by startling the entire world and plunging it into a hopeless crisis by the FIREBALLS, which will fall all over the world.
It will be seen that this Divine demonstration is primarily intended to first awaken God's people, as they are held responsible for not informing all mankind about these FIREBALLS. This will cause the sifting to begin within the SDA church, whereby a mass of SDA will be killed, also as martyrs, as the SDA are being blamed for the disasters that have come upon the world. The silent leaders of the SDA church will bring the wrath of God upon themselves and will have to go through all 10 plagues, without protection from God. And in Gog-Magog they will have to suffer the greatest punishment .
The FIREBALLS however are secondly the occasion to warn all the Charta church communities to investigate the last message of grace with great seriousness, so as not to be struck by the judgment of God. The 'remnant' from the SDA community will be fully informed and will assist God's sincere children, who were not familiar with His Plan of Salvation, to still obtain the necessary knowledge of the 'Pure Biblical Truths from God's Infallible Word'. Everyone who never had the chance to obtain the Truth, will then still be given the chance to be educated in the 'Last New Light' that God has given in His grace, in preparation for this end time crisis.
It will be a shock to many denominations, including God's last people, the SDA, when they find that the doctrine they have believed for years, or later brought to the SDA, turns out to be a false doctrine. Sincere people can be lost because they have made a wrong decision because of this false doctrine. God's children who are ignorant, (the SDA do not have to have this ignorance, because they can have full insight into God's Plan of Salvation) are found in all denominations. Everyone has been deceived by someone from whom they had a good expectation, but this does not alter the fact that when it comes to 'God's Infallible Word' and eternal life, one should just keep quiet to keep the peace and to be liked.
The latter is specifically condemned in the OT, Ezekiel chapters 3, 8, 9, 33 and 34 and therefore we are guilty before God. When we remain silent 'to keep the peace', we are also responsible in the NT according to Romans 1:32 and even more guilty than the sinner. (read and study Romans chapters 1 and 2, and study Worship Services S1 to S12, if you have already followed the previous study and Worship Services of HIS Message)
This will also show who, especially of the SDA, has done everything possible in an early stage to remain faithful to the 'Pure Biblical Truth from God's Infallible Word' , can prophesy again (Rev. 10:11) and also understands the last 'New Light' (Rev. 10:7) that God has given to warn His sincere children in all other church communities and to prepare themselves for the return of Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven.
There will be a 'remnant' of SDAs who will remain and be called into active service. They have, through God's power, personally prepared themselves for the Loud Cry and can/may then carry it to all church communities.
Advice; take your time for this study by first going through all the studies and then start reading/researching the books below, from the `Spirit of Prophecy' and the documents/books of sincere brothers from the SDA church. They understood what is going to happen and through their experiences we can all get a good insight into the how and why of the FIREBALLS, that must come through 'God's Personal Intervention' .
General information; (under construction)
-Amount of videos; 160 study hours in total
-Is it offered on; The website in high quality
-Offered on; YouTube in LQ 140 languages
-Available on; SSD card HQ or UHQ
God bless you on this important study,
The employees of HIS Message