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In this section you can see the Bible prophecies fulfilled in world events. It is not intended to be exhaustive, because all of this is covered in the Bible Studies, Prophet Schools and Worship Services of HIS Message. However, you will see a confirmation of what you have been taught from the Bible, so that you can make the connections for yourself between world events and the fulfillment of the Bible Prophecies.

We therefore want to emphasize that Bible study is essential to be able to proclaim God's Word. And with these evidences you can also convince and encourage others to start investigating the prophecies.

The holy alliance started in 1989 with Reagan and the Pope and is almost coming to an end to a climax of unprecedented height for sincere Bible believing Christians. Know where you stand in this end time history.

Please click on the four links below to fully understand the upcoming crisis.

Republicans Take Power? What Could the Implications Be for You?

Do you realize what has happened in America? We would like to point out to you the prophetic event that has taken place in America in recent times. We will not go into the political situation explicitly, but that this situation will have a clear consequence in the end times, that is certain.

The most important fact is that a Republican has now been elected as President, not a Democrat. The difference between these forms of government is;

Democracy; Form of government that grants the entire people influence over the government

Republic; Form of government in which supreme authority is in the hands of an elected President

What does this mean for the laws (constitution USA) of this country? That the upper and lower houses together with the President have the authority to change a certain part of the law by majority vote without the entire people. (there are already representatives involved in this through the presence of the lower house. For more information see Wiki Pedia)

If you know this (read the chapters above) then you will realize what consequences this can have, when freedom of belief is restricted by merging Church and State in America, but also in the NWO. The latter has now become possible and through the "Spirit of Prophecy" we may know that this is a sign for us that the time is near, at the door. This is not yet the case, but when the world crisis increases and church and state merge, changing the law and law of a Republic can be implemented very easily and quickly. Below you will find a prophetic statement from EGWhite to realize in which time we live and that it is time to prepare ourselves, as God's people, and take action, in order to warn our fellow human beings.

Above you see the link to two documents from the "Spirit of Prophecy", (C-05+C-07) in which you can find out a few things. Also the book; 'The great conflict between Christ and satan' is brought to attention again. In this everything that is now happening in the world is very accurately worded by the Prophetess of the LORD.

Note; we see that in all countries a political earthquake is taking place. Not only in the United Kingdom (England) but also in Italy, France, and in America and soon also in the Netherlands. The image from the Bible book of Daniel is about to collapse, read Daniel 2:41-45 and what happened next is also of great importance to God's people, read Daniel 2:46-49. We will experience all this again.

We hope that you realize with us that we have little time left to warn God's children in all church communities about what is about to happen. Are we willing and also well prepared to work together with God? See especially the videos below and above in Series-2-Basis.

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