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Seventh-day Adventists believe that their faith must be based on the Bible. However, the counsels of Ellen G. White, as expressed in her numerous writings, hold a prominent place in the Adventist Church. In the more than four thousand articles and manuscripts written by Ellen G. White, as well as in numerous personal letters and counsels, are valuable observations and commentaries on Bible texts. These are collected in the work before you. May this summary lead the reader to appreciate the Bible even more and more highly as the Word of God.

Bible Commentaries by EG White is one of the most used books besides the Bible and your studies, because you get the "Spirit of Prophecy" commentary from the prophetess. You can't get better Bible commentary, because this is given to the prophetess by God's Holy Spirit.


Note; The "Spirit of Prophecy" books give more Light on the "Great Light" The Bible "God's Infallible Word". Which makes us better realize how to prepare for Christ's return in the clouds of heaven.

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