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Information Honorary Services Series 7-I (8 Boxes in total) Theme "Who has the pearls and who is the weed?"
Of course we all think that we belong to the pearls, we do so much for Christ, we know so much of God's Word, we have a good job in the church and we give our tithes punctually. We can fill in a lot like that, but when we look at Jesus' time and His environment, it turns out that people then understood nothing of the 'New Light' , it even went so far that they called Jesus "The New Light" Beelzebub and even worse crucified Him. Have we missed something or do we still not understand the Word of God? How many act as parasites within God's last church, but also in the many Charta Oecumene churches, and no longer see it themselves. And when this "New Light with the new prophesying" (Rev. 10:7+11) is mentioned, the same voices sound as in Jesus' time, do people no longer hear themselves? Indeed, the darkness is so bad at the moment that there is no more to speak of God's Word and truth, at least not when it comes to 'Prophesying Again ' and certainly not to speak of 'New Light' let alone the pioneer positions from the 1843 and 1850 Charts. We will see that both within God's people and in the Charta Oecumene, people react just like the Jews in Christ's time. But God will provide a solution and His sincere children will respond to the call.


Many still do not understand that the Message that Christ brought was specifically for His people and that this people only wanted to accept Him as 'King' of an earthly kingdom. Even in our time there are many who advocate a 1000-year earthly kingdom of peace with the establishment of the earthly new Jerusalem. Just imagine, Satan will soon come as the 'angel of light' in the temple in Jerusalem, then what all these people have been looking forward to will finally have come true? The falsification will then be complete. People really do not understand anymore that they are pursuing the same falsification just like the Jews of old. Who is prepared in this time to distinguish the true from the false?

Advice for further study:

Research and study here; "Proclamations of HIS Message I the complete series" and possibly "HIS Message in Prophecy Verd.1" this therefore also has as its theme "God's People"

This series-7-I includes the last part "HIS Message in Prophecy Deepening 1 The last seven days of Jesus' life", which continues with Bible study from Matthew 20 to 28.

Note; To play all videos one after the other, always go to the PC instead of playing them on the Smartphone, because of the correct format. Selecting videos can be done well on the Smartphone.

Below you will find the themes used in these Honorary Services.

(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)

Basic Series-7 Proclamations of HIS Message (Honor Services Volumes IV here below total VIII)

Box I4: The Bible book Matthew for the end times - "The Parables, from Matthew 13!"*

- "Who has the pearls, and who is the weed?" (Follow on video below-8x)

*I25. Matthew continued

“Get out of the way, turn aside from the path; let the Holy One of Israel cease from before us!”

*I26. Matthew continued

“If you search the Scriptures to justify your own opinion…what then?!”

*I27. Matthew continued

“Wheat and weeds grow together, but are you, like weeds, burned first?”

*I28. Matthew continued

“Do you also want to plant truth and righteousness? Then you will work against error and sin!”

*I29. Matthew continued

“Do you also have the only right heart for all your fellow human beings, through the divine nature within you?”

*I30. Matthew continued

"Have you found your eternal treasure? Do you know what this means for eternity?"

*I31. Matthew continued

"There are only two possibilities; you are either a parasite or you are the merchant of pearls!"

*I32. Matthew continued

“Once the nets are pulled in, there will be no second chance for anyone!”

Serie-7I-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Matthéüs

Serie-7I-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Matthéüs

Serie-7I-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Matthéüs
Serie 7I Deel 1 Ere Dienst Mattheus 1;1 25

Serie 7I Deel 1 Ere Dienst Mattheus 1;1 25

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Serie 7I Deel 2 Ere Dienst Mattheus 2;1 23

Serie 7I Deel 2 Ere Dienst Mattheus 2;1 23

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Serie 7I Deel 3 Ere Dienst Mattheus 3;1 20

Serie 7I Deel 3 Ere Dienst Mattheus 3;1 20

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Serie 7I Deel 4 Ere Dienst Mattheus 4;1 21

Serie 7I Deel 4 Ere Dienst Mattheus 4;1 21

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Serie 7I Deel 5 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5

Serie 7I Deel 5 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5

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Serie 7I Deel 6 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5;1 6

Serie 7I Deel 6 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5;1 6

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Serie 7I Deel 7 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5;11 48

Serie 7I Deel 7 Ere Dienst Mattheus 5;11 48

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Serie 7I Deel 8 Ere Dienst Mattheus 6;1 24

Serie 7I Deel 8 Ere Dienst Mattheus 6;1 24

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Serie 7I Deel 9 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7A

Serie 7I Deel 9 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7A

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Serie 7I Deel 10 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7B

Serie 7I Deel 10 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7B

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Serie 7I Deel 11 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7C

Serie 7I Deel 11 Ere Dienst Mattheus 7C

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Serie 7I Deel 12 Ere Dienst Mattheus 8A

Serie 7I Deel 12 Ere Dienst Mattheus 8A

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Serie 7I Deel 13 Ere Dienst Mattheus 8B

Serie 7I Deel 13 Ere Dienst Mattheus 8B

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Serie 7I Deel 14 Ere Dienst Mattheus 9A

Serie 7I Deel 14 Ere Dienst Mattheus 9A

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Serie 7I Deel 15 Ere Dienst Mattheus 9B

Serie 7I Deel 15 Ere Dienst Mattheus 9B

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Serie 7I Deel 16 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10A

Serie 7I Deel 16 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10A

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Serie 7I Deel 17 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10B

Serie 7I Deel 17 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10B

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Serie 7I Deel 18 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10C

Serie 7I Deel 18 Ere Dienst Mattheus 10C

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Serie 7I Deel 19 Ere Dienst Mattheus 11A

Serie 7I Deel 19 Ere Dienst Mattheus 11A

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Serie 7I Deel 20 Ere Dienst Mattheus 11B

Serie 7I Deel 20 Ere Dienst Mattheus 11B

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Serie 7I Deel 21 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12A

Serie 7I Deel 21 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12A

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Serie 7I Deel 22 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12B

Serie 7I Deel 22 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12B

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Serie 7I Deel 23 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12C

Serie 7I Deel 23 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12C

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Serie 7I Deel 24 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12D

Serie 7I Deel 24 Ere Dienst Mattheus 12D

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Serie 7I Deel 25 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 25 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 26 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 26 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 27 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 27 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 28 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 28 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 29 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 29 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 30 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen wmv

Serie 7I Deel 30 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen wmv

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Serie 7I Deel 31 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 31 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 32 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 32 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 33 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 33 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 34 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

Serie 7I Deel 34 Ere Dienst Mattheus 13 De Gelijkenissen

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Serie 7I Deel 35 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14A

Serie 7I Deel 35 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14A

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Serie 7I Deel 36 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14B

Serie 7I Deel 36 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14B

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Serie 7I Deel 37 Ere Dienst Mattheus +Markus 14C

Serie 7I Deel 37 Ere Dienst Mattheus +Markus 14C

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Serie 7I Deel 38 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14D

Serie 7I Deel 38 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14D

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Serie 7I Deel 39 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14E

Serie 7I Deel 39 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14E

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Serie 7I Deel 40 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14F

Serie 7I Deel 40 Ere Dienst Mattheus 14F

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