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Information Honorary Services Series 7-P (1 Box/Volume-with 10 DVDs instead of the usual 8 Box DVDs)

Theme Series P; " The 11th hour workers are trained by the remnant (1st horn) of God's Covenant people!"


In the first letter of Paul to (1) Timothy we notice how Paul points Timothy as a son to his environment in which Timothy must do his work. Here Timothy must confront all kinds of false teachers and where women stand up to want to learn instead of men having to fulfill their appointed priestly function and neglecting to do so. But also that false Bible teachers seduce women for gain and pleasure.

If we place this in our time (7th Reformation Period) we see this happening frequently within all faith communities and God puts an end to this by choosing shepherds "after My heart" (Jeremiah 3:15) so that sincere workers for God will be present in end-time history to proclaim the Loud Cry, together with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd horn.

These will have the only correct insights into the mysteries and will be able to prophesy again "with knowledge and understanding" (Rev. 10:7+10 and Jer. 3:15+18) in order to bring the Loud Cry.

Here in our end times, the 11th hour workers will stand firm in the Pure Truth and be taught by the 1st horn and will not be afraid to proclaim the Infallible Word of God.

In the second letter of Paul to Timothy, we understand that if the 11th hour workers are going to do this, they will find many opponents on their path, whereby even the best and dearest ties between colleagues, friends, brothers and sisters, family members and even family members will be terribly opposed to their work, which God has assigned to all of us. But this should not surprise or discourage them, because there is a crown to be won, if they continue to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, (Rev. 14:4 and 5) because He too, our beloved LORD Jesus Christ, suffered oppressions in order to reach His sincere children with the Pure Biblical Word of God. And also Paul and Timothy and all other apostles and followers of Him shared in the same fate. (2 Tim. 3:12)

Text reference;

Therefore Jesus Christ speaks through the Holy Spirit to the prophetess EGWhite, then after the 6th Reformation Period about the 7th Reformation Period again, about the counterfeit authority in all current church communities and world leaders, to force and manipulate people to believe and do what these leaders want them to believe and do (violating the 4th commandment). This is completely against God's redeeming love, as we read from Jesus' "The Desire of the Ages" Chapter 60 "The law of the new kingdom" page 476 (this in view of the counterfeit 1000 year earthly kingdom which is announced in the NWO;





Again the controversy over who should be the greatest seemed to flare up when Jesus called the indignant disciples to Him and said to them, "Ye know that they which are called rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their kings exercise authority over them: but it is not so among you." (Mark 10:42,43) In the kingdoms of the world, position meant self-aggrandizement. It was assumed that the people lived for the benefit of the ruling classes. Influence, wealth, education, these were the means by which the leaders obtained power over the multitudes. The upper classes were to think, decide, rejoice, and rule; the lower classes were to obey and serve. Religion, like all other things, was a matter of authority. The people were expected to believe and act as their rulers desired. The right of man as man to think and act for himself was no longer recognized at all. Christ was setting up a kingdom which had different principles. He called men not to authority, but to service, the strong to bear the infirmities of the weak. Power, position, talent, and education placed upon their possessors the highest obligation to serve their fellow men. Even to the humblest of Christ's disciples it is said, "All things are for your sakes." (2 Corinthians 4:15.) "The Son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:28.) In the midst of His disciples Christ was in every respect a servant, a burden-bearer. He shared their poverty. He denied Himself for their sakes, He went before them to smooth the rough places, and He was soon to bring His earthly life to a completion by laying down His life. The principle upon which Christ acted should also actuate the members of the church, who are His body. The plan and basis of salvation is love. In Christ's kingdom they are greatest who follow the example He has given them, and who act as shepherds of His flock. The words of Paul reveal the real dignity and honor of the Christian life: "Though I am free from all men, yet have I made myself servant to all." (1 Corinthians 9:19.) "Not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved." (1 Corinthians 10:33.) In matters of conscience the soul is not to be encumbered. No man is to rule over the thoughts of another, or dictate to him his duty. God gives to every soul liberty of thought and of following his own convictions. "Every one of us shall give account of himself to God." (Romans 14:12.) No man has the right to merge his own individuality in that of another. "Let every man" in all matters of principle "be fully persuaded in his own judgment." (Romans 14:5) In the kingdom of Christ there is no haughty oppression, no forced conduct. The angels of heaven come to earth not to rule and exact honors, but as messengers of grace, to labor with men for the uplifting of the human race. The principles and even the words of the Savior's teaching, in their divine beauty, remained in the memory of the beloved disciple. To his last days the great theme of John's testimony to the churches was, "For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another." (1 John 3:11) "Hereby know we love, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." (1 John 3:16) This was the spirit with which the early church was pervaded. After the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, "the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and soul; neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common." (Acts 4:32) "For there was not one needy among them." (Acts 4:34) "And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all." (Acts 4:33)


These 1st and 2nd Timothy letters in these Worship Services are a preparation for the Galatians letter in which the errors of the current falsifications are more discussed, see also here; Prophets' School of HIS Message D.

Themes of the (P) Honorary Services; Main theme Timothy letters Series-7-P

“The 11th hour workers are trained by the remnant (1st horn) of God's covenant people!”

P01-The Bible Book 1 Timothy Chapter;1:1-20

"Will the false shepherds and teachers still repent of their errors, like Paul?"

P02-The Bible Book 1 Timothy Chapter 2:1-15

"Men are appointed preachers and teachers, while women are taught!"

P03-The Bible Book 1 Timothy Chapter 3:1-17

“The faithful and capable 11th hour workers must learn to want to be a pillar!”

P04-The Bible Book 1 Timothy Chapter 4:1-16

"Mass of churchgoers and leaders are searing their consciences by the seducing spirits!"

P05-The Bible Book 1 Timothy Chapter 5:1-25

"It is precisely those who deny the true faith who will no longer dare to admonish others!"

P06-The Bible Book 1 Timothy Chapter 6:1-21

"The puffed up, who know nothing, love riches, and teach otherwise!"

P07-The Bible Book 2 Timothy Chapter 1:1-18

"Do you understand what it means to 'suffer afflictions'? That all who love you will forsake you?"

P08-The Bible Book 2 Timothy Chapter 2:1-26

"If you fight lawfully in God's army, and do not deny Him! You will receive the crown!"

P09- The Bible Book 2 Timothy Chapter 3:1-17

"How serious the time becomes when you have to experience that those you love will persecute you!"

P10-The Bible Book 2 Timothy Chapter 4:1-22

“The churchgoers have their own false teachers, because they no longer want to hear the truth!”

Information 25 Series-C Box series Honorary Services;

In this first series of Worship Services you will be fully informed about "Righteousness by Faith" from the Bible and the "Spirit of Prophecy" so that you can deeply understand and live out the meaning and knowledge of the Mystery of Godliness, in preparation for the Loud Cry.

General web shop;

You can order these high quality boxes separately but later (after about 5 years) also in the 25 Series-C boxes and then in low quality "All the truth of HIS Message". When all Honorary Services are completed, the "Prophet Schools of HIS Message C+D+?" will only be added in the 25 Boxes Series-C.

Serie-7P-Verkondiging van ZIJN Boodschap-Timotheus

Serie-7P-Verkondiging van ZIJN Boodschap-Timotheus

Serie-7P-Verkondiging van ZIJN Boodschap-Timotheus
Serie 7P Deel 1 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 1

Serie 7P Deel 1 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 1

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Serie 7P Deel 2 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 2

Serie 7P Deel 2 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 2

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Serie 7P Deel 3 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 3

Serie 7P Deel 3 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 3

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Serie 7P Deel 4 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 4

Serie 7P Deel 4 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 4

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Serie 7P Deel 5 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 5

Serie 7P Deel 5 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 5

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Serie 7P Deel 6 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 6

Serie 7P Deel 6 Ere Dienst 1 Timotheus 6

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Serie 7P Deel 7 Ere Dienst 2 Timotheus 1

Serie 7P Deel 7 Ere Dienst 2 Timotheus 1

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Serie 7P Deel 8 Ere Dienst 2 Timotheus 2

Serie 7P Deel 8 Ere Dienst 2 Timotheus 2

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Serie 7P Deel 9 Ere Dienst 2 Timotheus 3

Serie 7P Deel 9 Ere Dienst 2 Timotheus 3

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Serie 7P Deel 10 Ere Dienst 2 Timotheus 4

Serie 7P Deel 10 Ere Dienst 2 Timotheus 4

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