Information Worship Services Series 7-F (2 Boxes) Theme "Prophesying again from Judges";
Why was the period of Judges so important in the time of Ancient Israel and now again in the period of Modern and Spiritual Israel? In the past, as children, we never thought about this, they were wonderfully beautiful stories, to see how God intervened time and again to deliver His people from their difficulties. The Israelites were painfully aware of the way in which God, as His chosen people, called them time and again to serve Him and follow Him. When we examine the history of God's people better in the 'New Light' , we understand better why God let everything happen in this way. Here we see the 'Holy Right Hand' of God, His Mercy, His love and His faithfulness for a people who did not do what He wanted them to do. We will discover this again in the (3+1) people, the fourth people in this final history. Then it turns out that these events are not just history, but a textbook from God, how He will save us from the hands of the enemies around us.
In the Bible book of Judges, the 144,000 last workers of God find guidelines on what to do, what to trust and how to act in conflict situations. If you delve into this, you will understand what "sowing in tears and gathering in with joy" means. But also, that you can expect great miracles from God, if you sincerely and confidently "follow the Lamb, wherever He goes" Rev. 14:4. See also; "HIS Message in Revelation Rev. 1 "God's people" and "Prophet School of HIS Message B"
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