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These history books are important for in-depth study of the origins of Seventh-day Adventism, as well as how apostasy has developed within it over the years.

This last point is important in order to recognize the pitfalls of those who were once blessed with much light, yet have fallen into the darkness of false theories concerning the Sabbath, the Sanctuary, the Spirit of Prophecy.

Note Regarding the “Spirit of Prophecy” (Revelation 19:10b)

In the more than four thousand articles and manuscripts written by Ellen G. White, as well as in numerous personal letters and counsels, are valuable observations and commentaries on Bible texts. These have been collected in journals in the work before you. May these journals lead the reader to appreciate the Bible more fully and more highly as the Word of God.

The diaries of the prophetess EG White are the best books to use next to the Bible, your studies and daily life, because you get the "Spirit of Prophecy" commentary from the prophetess. You can not find a better start and end for the day, also you get a better insight into "Righteousness by Faith (reflecting Christ) and a better insight into the total plan of salvation (Maranatha "the LORD comes")


Note; The "Spirit of Prophecy" books give more Light on the "Great Light" The Bible "God's Infallible Word". Which makes us realize better how to prepare ourselves for Christ's return to meet Him (even alive) on the clouds of heaven.

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