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HIS Message is commissioned, by God's grace, to reach out to anyone who will study the Bible,

to provide sufficient insight. In particular, the prophetic Bible books of Daniel and Revelation are of great value. Not only are the prophecies discussed, but also subjects such as "Righteousness through Faith." All important points of faith are illuminated from the Bible. The major differences in the New Bible Translations and the NBG Bible are also discussed in detail. Historical facts prove to be of great value. You can also listen to music.

Financial Support; Many video presentations have been released on the internet, so that everyone has the opportunity to study this last important message freely, in order to find the way to the Eternal Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Because of this, the work of HIS Message has become more dependent on your voluntary contribution(s).

You also support the work by ordering DVD series or books. This will give you a reliable source of Biblical information, which is of inestimable value in this time. You can study this information, possibly together with your fellow believers.

HIS Message is most grateful to you if you respond to this call.

Thanks to your contribution, many more can be called into God's Kingdom.

Voluntary contribution for HIS Message

Account number directly:

NL25 INGB 0000754327

attn: M. Riemersma
ovv: Voluntary contribution

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