Documents general;
In this category you will find many substantiations for the studies of HIS Message. You will see that not just any documents have been added to contribute to the development of your study, but only that which has been written under the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The correct Bible translations (King James Version [KJV] and Statenvertaling [GBS] are the only sources to be able to explain the true prophetic Word of God properly. All other books and writings, with the exception of the "Spirit of Prophecy", have in most cases not been written under the guidance of God's Holy Spirit.
If you would like more information regarding the foregoing, please study “The Bible and ITS Message” Basic and Advanced-1.
Exception to the above;
God has given the gift of prophecy to His church to guide, reform and admonish them, but also to point them to coming events, so that His people can be prepared to meet Christ. In the prophetess EG White, the Seventh-day Adventists see the fulfillment of the gift of prophecy (Joel 2:28 and Rev. 19:10). She also confirms the positions of the pioneers William Miller and Hiram Edson, who were allowed to receive much light on God's Word. These pioneers have illuminated certain positions, which can now be used well to substantiate the Plan of Salvation. This does not alter the fact that these men were fallible and at that time it was not yet possible to know what we may understand now. However, with the current knowledge of the "Spirit of Prophecy" it has become clear that their positions are based on truth and that is why these documents can also be used very well today.

Additional information;
You will also find a multitude of books, writings and quotes from EG White. This information sheds more light on the Bible and is therefore certainly not to invalidate what was written by 'holy men of old'. On the contrary, it confirms what will be fulfilled in our time. We can say that we have a more detailed representation of what God intended in His Infallible Word.
You will also find many sheets and maps to support your own study.