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The Prophets Schools of HIS Message A+B+C+D general (Video recordings)

In the series "Prophet School of HIS Message" you will find an in-depth study into more Biblical insight, which God now wants to give us in His grace. (especially for advanced Bible students) The Prophet School is treated by theme, whereby a thorough knowledge of the previous HIS Message studies is essential. You will understand how God wants to lead you personally into the present truth, in order to prepare a people to let the 'Round-Blooded Testimony' be heard within the SDA church, and then the 'Loud Cry' to all other church communities.

Only the first 2 parts of this series can be followed via the internet. The other recordings will not be released anymore, because the necessary preliminary study is needed for this.

See Series 8 "The Prophets' School of HIS Message" A through D in order, with the necessary specific information regarding each Biblical topic.

Specific Note on Gaining Insight from Studying God's Word;

At the "Prophets Schools of HIS Message" you will have to go back to the Bible and put aside all your old (often wrong) ideas.

Example-1; how many think for example that Spiritual Israel is the new covenant people? Compared to the Bible this is not correct (Jer. 31:31). You will get an explanation in the "Prophet schools of HIS Message"

Example 2: How many think that the 144,000 come from the Advent church alone? Biblically we find the 11th hour workers within the 144,000. See S7-G1-8

Example-3; How many have a wrong understanding of the Jewish people, the literal Israel? Biblically we find the old covenant people in Romans 11 and they too can be part of the 144,000. (the 3+1 horns)

Example-4; Many believe that after the Sunday law there will be a remnant and that is true, but what does this remnant look like, what kind of time are they going to face and why does it have to happen this way? There is no sudden rapture (Chart-false prophets falsification), however the remnant does not consist of SDA only.

Final conclusion;

In this way we could mention many more points, all of which are supported by the Bible (OT and NT) in these series. These subjects are also frequently discussed in the Worship Services.


For all Bible studies and Prophet schools you can apply for personal guidance in a group setting, see the link below to the application.

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-The A series; PRA01-PRA32 "God's 3+1 covenants in the Plan of Salvation" (2 Boxes)

-The B series; PRB01-PRB64 "The 1843 and 1850 Chart in God's Plan of Redemption" (4 Boxes)

-The C series; PRC01-PRC16 "The 144,000 in the (3+1) horns and the (3+1) nations in God's Plan of Redemption

-The D series; PRD01-PRD32 "The Biblical Babylonian confusion by the false prophets in all churches (with this series you can start earlier if necessary)

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