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Information Honorary Services Series 7-H (2 Boxes) Theme "the 144,000 including the eleventh hour workers" (the 3+1 horns)
If we want to know how the Jacob's distress will unfold, we get a very good impression in the Bible book of Esther. We will also appreciate the Bible book of Song of Songs more, because this is a foreshadowing of the song that the 144,000 will sing or, in other words, this will be the experience that the 144,000 have gone through. This will not be easy for you to understand at first, but with God's help you will increasingly understand this experience in the course of time. What must be emphasized is that these are events that we will experience in the end times. Although the environment and situation were of course very different, we can still learn a surprising amount from this. God explains to us through this history how the Jews were persecuted then, so the (3+1 horns Rev. 14:12) and the (3+1 nations Rev. 14:13) will also be persecuted in the near future, they will be hated by the 'king of the North'.

Note 1;

You will notice how well you need to prepare yourself for what is coming upon you. Also in the near future, there will be many martyrs Rev. 20:4 and 14:13 and Rev. 13:15. But God will be with the remnant, (the 3+1 horns) He will give them with His 'Holy Right Hand' and through the Holy Spirit, protection and strength.

See also; "HIS Message in Daniel Basis in the Lions' Den" and the diary "Maranatha The LORD is coming"

Note 2;

We would like to point out that during the 2014-2015 recording period there was a lot of confusion among the splinter movements (the 70) as to who belong to the 144,000 and when did they come into being?

After thorough research and prayer within HIS Message, we have discovered by God's grace and especially through studying the Bible and the "Spirit of Prophecy" that in the period before and after the Sunday Law, eleventh hour workers are added to the 144,000 of Revelation 7 and 14.

This is why the joint people of God (literal, spiritual and modern Israel) comes into being in the (3+1) covenants and (3+1) horns, resulting in a new movement (3+1 people) arising around the Sunday law.

Through progressive insight we may now know that within the 144,000 there are three horns that come into being both before and after the Sunday law, the result is that all three covenant peoples came into being before the closing of the time of grace of all mankind at the first of the 7 last plagues. In this you can discover the longsuffering and love of God for His people. (Please note; this is the turning point in the OT Bible studies)

You will find extensive substantiation in the "Prophets Schools of HIS Message" (PRA and PRC Series).

Note 3;

You will find the Honorary Services about Job, "The Experience of the Great-Jacob's Distress", at the end of the Romans letter of Paul. In Box 4 of this series numbers S38 to S40.

Below you will find the themes used in these Honorary Services.

(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)

Basic Series-7 Proclamations of HIS Message (Honor Services Volume I+II)

Box H1: Main theme Esther and Song of Songs "The experience of little Jacob's distress"

Box H1

H1. Esther 1, Song of Solomon 1

“If the woman refuses to obey, the NWO leader will fly into a rage!”

H2. Esther 1, Song of Solomon 1

“When a woman's beauty is displayed, judgment will fall!”

H3. Esther 2

“God will intervene again just before and during the Sunday law proclamation of the NWO power!”

H4. Esther 2

“The new light, in Esther's meal, is prepared for this world!”

H5. Esther 3

“First receive God's truth and then let Satan use us in fanaticism!”

H6. Esther 3

“Satan's minions, go along with the NWO practices of the 2 beasts from Rev. 13!”

H7. Song of Songs 2

“The two different sealings come, which one are you personally sealed in?”

H8. Song of Songs 3

“The bells are heard among God's people, but what do the Levites do with them?”

Box H2

H9. Esther 3+4

“And the king and Haman sat and drank, and Mordecai rent his clothes!”

H10. Esther 5+6

“The Great King, Jesus Christ, is intervening, so hurry, take that robe and that horse!”

H11. Esther 6+7

“Who is he, and where is he, that doeth this? They shall come and worship before thy feet.”

H12. Esther 7+8

“When the golden scepter is handed to us, the sealing in the everlasting covenant is accomplished!”

H13. Song of Songs 5+6

“The LORD is my banner; I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine.”

H14. Song of Songs 7+8

“The everlasting covenant is for God's people, ratified by the Sunday law!”

H15. Esther 9

“Beware of yourselves concerning the spoil in Babylon! The ten kings shall be killed last of all.”

H16. Esther 9+10

“We will be planted on the beautiful holy mountain, and go to the Holy City!”

Serie-7H-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Esther en Hooglied-Deel-1 t/m 16

Serie-7H-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Esther en Hooglied-Deel-1 t/m 16

Serie-7H-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Esther en Hooglied-Deel-1 t/m 16
Serie 7H Deel 1 Ere Dienst Esther 1+Hooglied 1

Serie 7H Deel 1 Ere Dienst Esther 1+Hooglied 1

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Serie 7H Deel 2 Ere Dienst Esther 1+Hooglied 1

Serie 7H Deel 2 Ere Dienst Esther 1+Hooglied 1

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Serie 7H Deel 3 Ere Dienst Esther 2+Daniel 1

Serie 7H Deel 3 Ere Dienst Esther 2+Daniel 1

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Serie 7H Deel 4 Ere Dienst Esther 2

Serie 7H Deel 4 Ere Dienst Esther 2

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Serie 7H Deel 5 Ere Dienst Esther 3

Serie 7H Deel 5 Ere Dienst Esther 3

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Serie 7H Deel 6 Ere Dienst Esther 3

Serie 7H Deel 6 Ere Dienst Esther 3

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Serie 7H Deel 7 Ere Dienst Esther 3+Hooglied 2

Serie 7H Deel 7 Ere Dienst Esther 3+Hooglied 2

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Serie 7H Deel 8 Ere Dienst Esther 3+Hooglied

Serie 7H Deel 8 Ere Dienst Esther 3+Hooglied

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Serie 7H Deel 9 Ere Dienst Esther 3+4

Serie 7H Deel 9 Ere Dienst Esther 3+4

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Serie 7H Deel 10 Ere Dienst Esther 5+6

Serie 7H Deel 10 Ere Dienst Esther 5+6

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Serie 7H Deel 11 Ere Dienst Esther 6+7

Serie 7H Deel 11 Ere Dienst Esther 6+7

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Serie 7H Deel 12 Ere Dienst Esther 7+8

Serie 7H Deel 12 Ere Dienst Esther 7+8

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Serie 7H Deel 13 Ere Dienst Esther+Hooglied 5+6

Serie 7H Deel 13 Ere Dienst Esther+Hooglied 5+6

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Serie 7H Deel 14 Ere Dienst Esther+Hooglied 7+8

Serie 7H Deel 14 Ere Dienst Esther+Hooglied 7+8

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Serie 7H Deel 15 Ere Dienst Esther 9

Serie 7H Deel 15 Ere Dienst Esther 9

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Serie 7H Deel 16 Ere Dienst Esther 9+10

Serie 7H Deel 16 Ere Dienst Esther 9+10

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