Music and faith;
Special; from the English SDA bundle:
When studying the Bible it is important that you ask for God's help and guidance and thank and honor Him for all His blessings. This can be done through prayer, Bible study, Worship Services, but also by singing songs in honor of our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ. When you do this, you will experience His blessing on your life path. Many Christians in the Middle Ages and before have received strength and achieved victories in faith in this way. HIS Message has recorded simple well-known songs, from various hymn books, to encourage you personally. The songs are played in such a way that you can easily sing along. God's blessing as you sing these songs, at any time of the day, whenever you wish.

SDA Hymnal - Kerk orgel
SDA Hymnal - Kerk orgel

SDA 20 'O Praise Ye the Lord'

SDA 21 'Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise'

SDA 48 'Softly Now the Light of Day'

SDA-56 'The Day Thou Gavest'

SDA 101 'Children of the Heavenly Father'

SDA 119 'Angels From the Realms of Glory'

SDA-140 'Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne'

SDA 156 'O Sacred Head New Wounded'

SDA 177 ' Jesus, Your blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress; '

SDA 266 ' Spirit of God! descend upon my heart; Wean it from earth; '

SDA 273 ' Lord, I have made Thy word my choice, '

SDA 277 ' For Your Holy Book We Thank You '

SDA 473 'Nearer My God, to Thee"

SDA 504 'Lord Jezus, Think on Me'

SDA 507 'Moment by Moment'

SDA Bundel 600 - 'Hold Fast Till I Com'

SDA 627 'We are climbing Jacob's ladder.'

SDA 644 'O God, Whose Will Is Life and Good"

SDA 645 ' God of Our Fathers'

SDA 661 'Holy, Holy, Holy'

SDA 613 'Fight the Good Fight'

SDA 653 'Lead Them, My God, to Thee'

SDA 47 'God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven'

SDA 484 'I Need Thee, Precious Jezus'

SDA 287 'Softly and Tenderly'