General information S10-A summaries Basic;
Many series have been summarized. A summary briefly discusses the most important subjects of the entire series and consists of 2 parts of approximately 50 minutes. Below you will find the summaries divided into only the basic studies. There is also a Box with summaries concerning the in-depth studies.
In the basic series summary you will only get a brief impression of the study. Please note that this is only a first introduction and you are certainly not yet aware of the Biblical foundation according to Isaiah 28:10,13. Understanding the "mystery of godliness" (1 Tim. 3:16) and the "mystery of unrighteousness" (2 Thess. 2:7) are the most important foundations of our faith, to come to "all truth" (John 16:13), especially through "Righteousness by Faith" (Rom. 3:18; 5:1; Gal. 2:16; 3:11) and "Prophesying Again" (Rev. 10:7,11). The latter is in relation to the two aforementioned mysteries.
As an extra also a short description about the description low quality Video Volumes of HIS Message 25 Box-A and 25-Box- B
Info DVD box: All the truth in HIS Message: Collection box Videos 1A (Complete so no summary)
For everyone who wants to prepare themselves more and better for the return of Jesus Christ, knowledge of “the mystery of unrighteousness” and “the mystery of godliness” is of vital importance. By studying God's infallible Word yourself, you can gain these insights, and God will personally lead you into “All truth” (John 16:13). These foundations of faith are of great importance, especially in the time of the end, to be able to endure the 'Jacob's distress' by faith and with the grace of God and to live together with Christ for eternity. In this box you will find all presentations, music videos and Bible study material of HIS Message to play on your computer (so not suitable for DVD players
since the quality is not sufficient for this). In the future you can place repeat orders, to always supplement the next box (Volume B) with the newest video presentations and study material.
Please note this DVD set is delivered as internet (download) quality and not DVD quality! Compared to the high quality (DVD's) you get more than 85% discount!
For more information, see the webshop....
Note; The summaries are, just like all video recordings of HIS Message, available in high quality and can also be used very well in your personal evangelism work. In this way you can try to convince others how important it is to study independently instead of relying on opinions and assumptions of people.
There are 2 boxes with summaries: Box-A and Box-B
For content see link below

Webshop information;
These DVDs are offered in the webshop; the low quality in "All the Truth" (A) box and the high quality in Series-10 25 boxes + special boxes
Below you will find the Summaries used in many of the Bible Study, Prophet Schools video series.
(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)
Info DVD box: All the truth in HIS Message: Collection box Summaries of the Series 10 - 1A + 2B containing 25 boxes with 200 DVD" (all studies are now free to download)
For anyone who would like to delve into God's infallible Word and become acquainted with what HIS Message has to offer in this, this DVD box is recommended. Especially when it comes to Bible studies concerning our time; the end times, in which the return of Jesus Christ is central. Many subjects are
discussed such as; God's love, Righteousness by Faith, the Prophecies, by verse by verse studies, various Bibles and their origin, but also the Gospel in the end times. However, this only gives a small impression of all the subjects from the total DVD series of HIS Message. We are convinced that God will lead each person personally into "All the truth". (John 16:13)
General comment:
Duration per presentation: Average 2 x 55 minutes
Number of DVDs: 8 total in Volume I
Total length in time: 15 hours
Playable on: DVD player and Computer
Quality Level: High Playback Quality, see below for free low quality
Note DVDs: Free to copy and distribute
Important advice; please read the PDF document shown next to it before you start!
Contents box Summary 1A; (here below the previous box contents-1A)
1 - "The Love of HIS Message" Basic Series 1
2 - "HIS Message in Prophecy" Basic Series 2
3 - "ZIN Message in Revelation" Basic Series 3
4 - "HIS Message in Daniel" Basic Series 4
5 - "HIS Message in Daniel" Series 4 - Deepening 1
6 - "The Bible and ITS Message" Basic Series 5
7 - "The Love of HIS Message" Series 1 - Deepening 1
8 - "HIS Message in Prophecy" Series 2 - Deepening 1
Note: This DVD set is delivered in high quality so it is on DVD player and
computer playable! For more summaries see "Summaries Series-1A!
Contents box Summary 2B; (this is the follow-up box of 1A)
1 - "The Bible and HIS Message" Series 5 - In-depth 1
2 - "HIS Message in Revelation" Series 3 - Deepening 1 Special; "The Door of Grace Closes at the Sunday Law for the SDA"
3 - "HIS Message in Revelation Series 4 - Deepening 1 (10A) "God's People"
4 - "HIS Message in Revelation Series 4 - Deepening 1 (10B) "God's People"
5 - "The Prophets School of HIS Message" A - Series 10 - "God's 3+1 Covenants in His Plan of Salvation"
6 - "The Prophet School of HIS Message" B - Series 10 - ""Introduction to Biblical Prophecy from the 1843 Chart." + "The Biblical Foundations and Pillars from the 1843 Chart"
7 - Worship Service 3B - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 "Who is the liar?"
8 - Worship Service 26I - The Parables - “If you search the Scriptures to justify your own opinion…..what then?!”
Serie-10-Start altijd met een van deze samenvattingen, welke bij de betreffende serie hoort
Serie-10-Start altijd met een van deze samenvattingen, welke bij de betreffende serie hoort

Samenvatting 01_basis - De Liefde van ZIJN Boodschap

Samenvatting 02_basis - ZIJN Boodschap in de Profetie

Samenvatting 03_basis - ZIJN Boodschap in de Openbaring

Samenvatting 04_basis - ZIJN Boodschap in Daniel

Samenvatting 05_basis - De Bijbel en ZIJN Boodschap

Samenvatting 01_verdieping - Gerechtigheid door Geloof

Samenvatting 02_verdieping - "De Vier Evangeliën"

Samenvatting 03a_verdieping - "Gods volk" (deel 1)

Samenvatting 03b_verdieping - "Gods volk" (deel 2)

Samenvatting 04_verdieping - Het ontsluiten en ontzegelen van de verborgenheden