Information Honorary Services Series 7-G (1 Box) Theme "the 144,000 including the eleventh hour workers". (the 3+1 horns)
How fitting, when we compare the history of Ruth with the eleventh hour workers and when we see how Boaz comes into contact with Ruth through Naomi. We may know that Boaz is also a symbol of Jesus Christ and that in this connection there is also a profound meaning in the history of Ruth. At the eleventh hour, when the harvest is brought in, Naomi returns to her homeland together with Ruth. For Ruth, however, a strange country, but with complete confidence in 'the God of Naomi', that is why she could say 'Your God is also my God'. Know that God is going to call His sincere children from all churches, to bind them to Himself just before the door of grace closes for all people. You can be there, as one of the eleventh hour workers. However, there is a condition attached to this, you yourself will have to make the choice to have so much faith and trust in God, that He will complete His will and work in you. This will cost a sacrifice.
Note; The Bible book of Ruth will prove to be a great challenge for the eleventh hour workers, in order to make the only right choice for God. Here you will find the incentive to choose "just like Ruth" for Jesus Christ and to hold nothing back for Him, indeed this will cost a great sacrifice, but will be accomplished by God's power. See also; "HIS Message in Daniel Basis" and "The Bible and HIS Message" "The Three Witnesses"
Below you will find the themes used in these Honorary Services.
(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)
Basic Series-7 Proclamations of HIS Message (Honor Services Volumes I)
Box G: Main Theme Ruth - "the 144,000 including the eleventh hour workers"
G1. Joshua 6, Ruth 1
“First the city of Rome is attacked and the eleventh hour workers are called and liberated!”
G2. Ruth 1
“God is King and Elimelech's seed will surely triumph with Christ!”
G3. Ruth 1, 2
“Your God is my God and your truth and light has also become my sincere belief!”
G4. Ruth 2, 3
“Come to the 144,000 and eat the new bread! Wash yourselves and anoint yourselves and put on your garments!”
G5. Ruth 2, 3
“The eleventh hour workers will personally stand before Christ, at the mercy seat!”
G6. Ruth 3, 4
“What is being decided about the eleventh hour workers? The LORD himself rebuke you now, Satan!”
G7. Ruth 3, Gen. 36b-38
“May your house be like Rachel and Leah, and like Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah.”
G8. Ruth 4, Gen. 38
“The breach has come and the soul is refreshed, after this there are 144,000 servants of God!”
Serie-7G-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Ruth-Deel-1 t/m 8
Serie-7G-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Ruth-Deel-1 t/m 8

Serie 7G Deel 1 Ere Dienst Jozua 6+Ruth

Serie 7G Deel 2 Ere Dienst Ruth 1

Serie 7G Deel 3 Ere Dienst Ruth 1+2

Serie 7G Deel 4 Ere Dienst Ruth 2+3

Serie 7G Deel 5 Ere Dienst Ruth 2b+3

Serie 7G Deel 6 Ere Dienst Ruth 3b+4a

Serie 7G Deel 7 Ere Dienst Ruth 4+Gen 37