Music and faith;
Special; from the Johannes de heer Bundle:
When studying the Bible it is important that you ask for God's help and guidance and thank and honor Him for all His blessings. This can be done through prayer, Bible study, Worship Services, but also by singing songs in honor of our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ. When you do this, you will experience His blessing on your life path. Many Christians in the Middle Ages and before have received strength and achieved victories in faith in this way. HIS Message has recorded simple well-known songs, from various hymn books, to encourage you personally. The songs are played in such a way that you can easily sing along. God's blessing in singing these songs, at any time of the day, appreciate it as you wish.

Below you will find the songs with Power Point images accompanied, so that you can sing this song independently . God's blessing in your personal faith experience and experience in also singing these songs.
'Johannes de heer - Bundle'
Serie-9-Muziek-Johannes de heer liederen
Serie-9-Muziek-Johannes de heer liederen

JHDH Lied 282 'Hoor, hoor, mijn ziel'