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Information Honorary Services Series 7-S (5 Boxes/Volumes with 5x10=50DVDs)

Theme Series S01 to S50; "How should and will the righteous live by faith and to faith?"

General information about the Epistle to the Romans Part 1;

Quote; The Beginning of Paul's Apostleship. – Paul regarded the occasion of his formal ordination as the beginning of a new and important period in his lifework. From the time of this solemn service, shortly before his departure on his first missionary journey when he was set apart to proclaim the Gospel of God, he afterwards dated the beginning of his apostleship in the Christian church (RH May 11, 1911). BC 456

We read in the above quote from the prophetess that Paul was personally put into active service as the twelfth apostle by Jesus Christ . This also means that Paul was designated as the first horn for the fifth reformation period and because he was the one who brought the gospel (the New Light at that time) to the Gentiles. We now know through Bible study that a first horn must start again in the seventh period to call the last sincere children of God from all Babylonian churches ( Rev. 18:4,5) because sins (especially the acceptance of the sins of others) have risen to heaven.     

Quote; Verse 7,8 (See EGW on Acts 18:2). A Strong Church in Rome. – In spite of opposition, there was a living, upright church in Rome twenty years after the crucifixion of Christ. This church was strong and zealous, and the LORD worked for it (RH March 6, 1900). BC 456

If we understand the above quote, we see that from the Roman Christian community a very close-knit church has emerged, which we know as the church of Smyrna and which our LORD speaks very highly of in Revelation 2:8-11. If we understand this prophetically in the right way, we may know that there will be another tremendous revival in the end history in all Charta Oecumene churches all over the world. This will be such an unimaginably great movement that everyone will be amazed by it.

General Part-2; What is the core of this new " Righteousness by Faith" movement?

That all who sincerely want to adhere to and follow Christ (Rev. 14:4,5) will come to see that God demands a complete surrender from each person personally in living out his or her faith. That God will once again pour out His Latter Rain (Jas. 5:7,8) to let everyone see that "Righteousness by Faith" must be well understood and lived out, in order to enter the eternal kingdom. In the letter to the Romans by Paul, we are taught how we as sincere Christians and followers of Jesus Christ may in no case have anything to do with the sin of the sinner. He, Paul but also Jesus Christ speak clearly about this in Romans 1:32 "may have no pleasure", as he emphasizes and explains further. This implicitly implies that we may not participate in any sin, because then we will be declared co-guilty by God and can never enter the heavenly kingdom.

If we let this sink in, we can all understand that we are dealing with a very serious subject here, namely "Righteousness by Faith" and that this must be explained and discussed in detail, because either we are lost with the lost or we are saved with the redeemed for all eternity!  

Note-1; really necessary for study;

In order to understand Paul's letter to the Romans and thus "Righteousness by Faith" , but also to live it out, a solid prior knowledge is necessary. This is easier   said than done, for we live in a degenerate generation, which has become so hardened in this final history that we hardly see anything of our own righteousness (our own made human legal rules), let alone want to be warned about it; pride, selfishness and self-will stand in our way.

HIS Message offers you this in-depth study to understand the letter to the Romans, but especially to live it out, so that you may meet Christ in the clouds of heaven, without spot or wrinkle and alive. ( Rev. 14:12)

Note-2; Knowledge of all of God's laws is necessary

In 2 Corinthians, God's Holy Law and God's government are discussed extensively in relation to the Ceremonial law. This is done in preparation for Romans. It is therefore of great importance to first study both Corinthians before starting Romans.

Otherwise you will never be able to understand the letter to the Romans properly, let alone express it in your life.

Note-3; Second and last part of these boxes the Bible book of Job;

First of all ; The Bible book of Job is always read and seen as a beautiful story and it is, but what backgrounds are mentioned in it for the end times? You will discover that this beautiful history is a complete end time prophecy, which we will experience and on which we will then also be tested. Who are we really? How do we behave in difficulties? Do we also start to murmur like Job? (or Jonah? See Corinthians Box R) Why does this history of Jonah in particular end with an 'open ending', as we call it? Can we remain standing in the Loud Cry period? This is the period from the 1st to the 3rd plague, think again of Job.

Secondly; But in the Bible book of Job the period of the 4th to the 10th plague is described! Also called the 1st to the 7th plague in the Bible (Rev. 16) in this only those can stand who have lived out "Righteousness by Faith" and have been found without spot or wrinkle and without guile and in no case have been found "felt guilty or had pleasure" in the sins of others. This means that they 'the 144,000' have developed a fully mature character (fourth definition of character maturity instead of third definition of character perfection) and have been confirmed by God Personally in active service in the (3+1) people.

This last people of God (the 3+1 people; the 144,000 and not the 3+1 people of the martyrs) will soon be with Jesus Christ in the temple forever, where they will confirm the judgment work of the LORD Jesus as jury members of all three peoples together with Christ . ( Rev. 7:15 + 1 Cor. 6:3)   

Study advice-1;

Before you begin studying the book of Romans, first examine Paul's 1st and 2nd Corinthians. (Honorary Services R01 through R30.)

Take your time to study these two Corinthian letters and review certain parts of the study Sermons (Honorary Services), because these address the issues that play a role in end-time history.

Study advice-2;

In addition to studying the Epistle to the Romans, take the journal "Reflecting Christ" and the book "Last Day Events" and especially the written study see below; C-03 "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" through. In order to better understand the Epistle to the Romans, but also to be able to explain and how you can reach the fourth definition of character maturity.

Study advice-3; In this letter to the Romans, a number of chapters are not repeated, because they are discussed in the letter to the Galatians, you can find them in the Honor Service of the Q series. The advice is therefore to repeat the entire letter to the Galatians again in addition to studying the letter to the Romans by Paul.

Important analysis regarding the Epistle to the Romans;

How is the letter to Romans, given to Paul by God, briefly organized? See the chapter organization below.

Ch. 1-2; How the depth of insincerity towards God and subsequently also towards our fellow men, is revealed by having a sympathy for the sins of others, whereby we shall never be able to understand the Justice of God. The result is, that we are also lost, because we are found to be partly guilty.

Ch. 3-5; Here the 1st Gift of Grace or also the imputed righteousness of God is explained in particular and especially what Christ has done to still give us a chance to be saved. If we want to make use of this by living out the imparted righteousness.

Ch. 6-8; Here the life in Christ Jesus is illuminated, through which the imparted righteousness can be lived out, if we are obedient to all of God's laws. Those who do not want this, will never be admitted into the kingdom of God and certainly will not be able to live out "Righteousness by Faith". (see the entire Galatian letter Worship Services and esp. Q6, Q-7 and Q-10)

Ch. 9-11; Here God makes known His great loving Grace for all His apostate peoples. He gives them one more chance, during the Latter Rain, to explicitly choose Him. Through which the new (3+1) people comes into being through a new worldwide movement.

Ch. 12-14; Here we read clearly that one must flee the world completely, in order to escape the judgment of God. For all the evil that takes place in this apostate world, God has expressly disapproved and branded as "whoring" against God and if one remains in these snares, one will never be able to remain in God's love, let alone appreciate this divine love and communicate it to others.

Ch. 15-16; We also want to help others to point out to them what is needed to be saved forever. Only then can God be with us, and give us His Power, in spreading the true faith and that is; "Righteousness by Faith". This last one, namely "The mystery of God" will be revealed in the end time history. In this revelation, the laws of God, but also the prophetic scriptures will be our own and will be lived out, by the wisdom of God.

The 144,000 Jobs in the Great Jacob's Trouble;

Here we see the 144,000 Job's, when we have finished our task in world history . We will have to pass the last test, in order to be able to pass the last seven of the ten plagues as a partaker of the 144,000. (There are special reasons for this) With the understanding that we are then fully prepared to be able to complete this period of testing in God's Immeasurable Power.

Information 25 Series-C Box series Honorary Services;

In this first series of Worship Services you will be fully informed about "Righteousness by Faith" from the Bible and the "Spirit of Prophecy" so that you can deeply understand and live out the meaning and knowledge of the Mystery of Godliness, in preparation for the Loud Cry.

General web shop;

You can order these high quality boxes separately but later (after about 3 years) also in the 25 Series-C boxes and then in low quality "All the truth of HIS Message". When all Honorary Services are completed, the "Prophet Schools of HIS Message C+D+?" will only be added in the 25 Boxes Series-C.

Below you will find the themes used in these Honorary Services.

(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)

Basic Series-7 Proclamations of HIS Message (Honorary Services-S Volumes I to III = 3x10 Boxes)

Box-1 Romans letter of Paul;

S1- Romans Chapter 1:1-32 Part-1

“Those who take pleasure in sin will be much more guilty than the sinner!”

S2-Romans Chapter 1:1-32 Part-2

"Are you already ashamed of God's Word? (New Light) Then you already have a problem!"

S3-Romans Chapter 1:1-32 Part-3

"God tells us how we can be strengthened in the battle through the mutual GdG!"

S4-Romans Chapter 1:1-32 Part-4

"Where will you stand? With whom will you reveal righteousness or live out unrighteousness?"

S5-Romans Chapter 1:1-32 Part-5A

“God is showing us how far churchgoers in all churches and faiths have fallen!”

S6-Romans Chapter 1:1-32 Part-6B

“God is showing us how far churchgoers in all churches and faiths have fallen!”

S7-Romans Chapter 1:1-32 Part-7

"How does iniquity pass from the father to the son, and from the mother to the daughter?"

S8-Romans Chapter 1:1-32 Part-8

"What can destroy families completely? Does love also blind you to sin?"

S9-The Romans Chapter 2:1-29 Part-9

“Whoever despises God's law or deliberately breaks it in secret will be judged!”

S10-Romans Chapter 2:1-29 Part-10

“It doesn't matter what community you came from, but who you have become!”

Box-2 Romans letter of Paul;

S11-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 3:1-31 Part-11

“Do we still realize what our Redeemer really did for us on the cross?”

S12-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 3:1-31 Part-12

“God wants to grant us reconciliation through faith and demonstrate His justice and love!”

S13-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 4:1-25 Part-13A

"What do we learn from Abram's faith? What do we do when we receive a command from God?"

S14-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 4:1-25 Part-14B

S15-"We can live as a renewed Abraham, thereby receiving the seal of God!"

S15-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 4:1-25 Part-15C

“We can become heirs in the temple with God, or as residents on this earth!”

S16-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 4:1-25 Part-16D

"Therefore it is also credited to us, if we are fully persuaded of God!"

S17-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 4:1-25 Part-17E

"How far does the NWO go now? But how much further do the Babylonian churches go?

S18-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 5:1-21 Part-18

“We will learn from our findings what the real experience of endurance is!”

S19-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 5:1-21 Part-19

"With Abram was 'the king of the north', but also now 'in Babylon' with all the counterfeits!

S20-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 5:1-21 Part-20

"How deeply have the forgeries of Babylon penetrated even into the Bibles?"

Box 3 Romans letter of Paul;

S21-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 6:1-23 Part-21

Advice: See first Honorary Service Q-10 and then S-21

“It does not stop at imputed righteousness, but continues with imparted righteousness”

S22-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 7:1-26 Part-22

Advice: See first Honorary Service Q-6 and then S-22

"Have we also the standard of heaven and unwavering confidence in our God!"

S23-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 8:1-39 Part-23

Advice: See first Honorary Service Q-7 and then S-23

"We must leave the false shepherds behind forever and build an altar to the LORD!"

S24-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 8:1-39 Part-24

Advice; See Honorary Service Q-7 and S-24

“May Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit come to our aid, even through Their Own Prayer!”

S25-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 8:1-39 Part-25

See Honorary Service Q-7 and S-25

"These are the called ones*, three times over. All are given the opportunity to be chosen!"

S26-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 8:1-39 Part-26

"These are the called ones*, three times over. All are given the opportunity to be chosen!"

S27-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 9:6-33 Part-27-A

"It is of God Who calls, and not of those who will or those who run, but of God Who shows mercy!"

S28-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 9:6-33 Part-28-B

"It is of God Who calls, and not of those who will or those who run, but of God Who shows mercy!"

S29-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 9:6-33 Part-29

“To fulfill the condition of election is to give perfect obedience to God's commandments!”

S30-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 9:6-33 Part-30

“All three nations have been given Light, and we are being judged according to our choices before God!”

Box-4 Romans letter of Paul;

S31-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 10:1-21 Part-31

“We cannot bring Jesus Christ down from Heaven and decide what we will believe!”

S32-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 10:1-21 Part-32

"Where do we find the people of the Babylonian confusion in the OT of history?

S33-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 10:1-21 Part-33

"The literal and modern Israelites will soon become really jealous of the Samaritans (Babylon)!"

S34-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 11:1-36 Part-34

"There are still 144,000 men left who will not perform Babylonian services!"

S35-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 11:1-36 Part-35

"Do not be hardened if you really want to receive the gift of grace that is Jesus Christ!"

S36-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 11:1-36 Part-36

"Who is still being vaccinated? Who is no longer being vaccinated? What about the three horns/nations?"

S37-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 11:1-36 Part-37

"How deeply do you want to understand the mysteries? We need them to call others!"

S38-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 12:1-21 Part-38

"The 144,000 form their bodies into one (3+1) people and bring peace in diversity!"

S39-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 12:1-21 Part-39

"How then shall we bring coals to fire? What is the essence of this?"

S40-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 13:1-14 Part-40

"What are the powers of the authorities appointed by God?"

Box-5a Epistle to the Romans by Paul ;

S41-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 14:1-23 Part-41

A-"Abnormal disputes over food, drink, and the Sabbath arise from disobedience!"

S42-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 14:1-23 Part-42

B-"Abnormal disputes over food, drink, and the Sabbath arise from disobedience!"

S43-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 15:1-33 Part-43

"If we are strong in Christ Jesus, we will be able to help the weak and call them back again!"

S44-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 15:1-33 Part-44

“If you are willing to be admonished, you will grow in Christ Jesus and will begin to see and understand!”

S45-The Bible Book of Romans Chapter 16:1-27 End Part-45

"The mysteries are revealed by 'The Only Wise God' in the prophecies!"

Serie-7S-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Romeinen

Serie-7S-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Romeinen

Serie-7S-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Romeinen
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