General information on Honorary Services from the OT and NT series (1);
In the Proclamations about HIS Message, extensive explanations are given in the form of Worship Services per theme or chapter from a specific Bible book. For example, from the NT about the letters of Paul, James and John, but also from the OT about Judges, Ruth, Esther, etc. This creates a complete reference work of these Bible books. In the Proclamation series (1) and (2) the songs are also depicted and accompanied by organ music so that you can sing along. This has made Worship Services in a smaller community possible. But also to do independent study of the Biblical truths or to get an answer to personal questions about a specific theme. All Bible books are discussed verse by verse, so that you get a better insight into what is true from God's infallible Word. And not, as often happens, here and there a verse from different Bible books, which can very quickly give a different interpretation to the Word of God. In other words, an explanation that suits us better. In this way, many false prophets and therefore also prophecies have already been proclaimed. Especially in the last days of world history this will happen even more. Our beloved LORD Jesus warns about this frequently in Matthew 24 and the entire book of Revelation, but also in the Old Testament we see how the prophetic writings and the prophets, sent by God, were dealt with. (read e.g. Isaiah 30)
For more information, see Worship Services (2 and 3), in which the four Gospels are discussed. Furthermore, the PDF file A-20 "Themes ITS Message all Videos" is regularly updated with new video recordings. You will therefore see these on other pages as well.
Note-2 ;
During the Worship Services, only Psalms are sung to stay close to the Biblical songs. The great advantage of this is that you learn to understand the wonderfully beautiful Plan of Salvation of God much better. By understanding the Psalms, you also learn, through God's Holy Spirit, the prophecies for the end times.
In accompanying the Psalms two different chorale books are used and in this way, two different intonations are sung. Long preludes and postludes are avoided.
In the first series of Ere-Diensten (D1 tab at the top), the accompaniment is from the chorale book by George Stam, the playing is smoother and therefore somewhat more modern than from the second chorale book by Willem Hendrik Zwart. This was done to meet the different wishes for organ accompaniment. One person likes smooth and somewhat more modern accompaniment, this is somewhat less dragging, so they say, and another likes calmer and more dignified playing. Therefore, an attempt was made to meet both preferences, you can also visually determine this yourself by seeing the difference between the narrow chorale book by George Stam and the wider chorale book by Willem Hendrik Zwart on the organ's music stand.
It should be noted about the last coral book that this was also partly created by Willem Hendrik Zwart's son; Eduard Zwart, after the death of his father, in order to meet his father's wish to be able to offer a complete coral book. This last, the completion of his father's coral book, Eduard Zwart, with God's grace, has done particularly beautifully and in the same musical style as his father. As a result, we may enjoy a piece of musical greatness in the field of Psalm accompaniment. Our personal preference therefore goes to the latter, but that does not mean that the other style is less beautiful or good, this also has to do with what you have always been used to from your own congregational singing.
Color coding; in the color of the cover of the DVD Boxes of "Proclamations of HIS Message" there is a color difference between the Gospels and all the other Proclamations. See example next to it.
Note-1; Only the videos of Matthew 13 (Box-I-25-32*) "The Parables" can be seen below.
Note-2; In the first 32 Honorary Services from Series 7I-01-32 of "The Proclamations HIS Message" the new edition of "Jesus The Wish of the Ages" was used (red cover) after these 32 Honorary Services (Series 7I-01-32) the old translation is used (recognizable by the cover, on which Jesus is depicted with Martha and Mary. This translation is definitely better and corresponds more closely to the original English text. We therefore recommend that you use the old translation as study material. The simple translation is used to accustom people to the "Spirit of Prophecy", in order to be able to discover the differences compared to the better English translation. This was also done in Series 2 "HIS Message in Prophecy" in which first the NBG Bible was used and later the Staten Translation Bible. In summary; you will only find the new translation in the 32 Honorary Services from Series 7I-01-32 encountered, in all other Worship Services, Bible studies and "Prophet Schools of HIS Message" the old (better) translation is used.