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Information 25 Series-C Box series Honorary Services;

In this first series of Worship Services you will be fully informed about "Righteousness by Faith" from the Bible and the "Spirit of Prophecy" so that you can deeply understand and live out the meaning and knowledge of the Mystery of Godliness, in preparation for the Loud Cry.

General web shop;

You can order these high quality boxes separately but later (after about 5 years) also in the 25 Series-C boxes and then in low quality "All the truth of HIS Message". When all Honorary Services are completed, the "Prophet Schools of HIS Message C+D+?" will only be added in the 25 Boxes Series-C.

Below you will find the themes used in these Honorary Services.

(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)

Basic Series-7 Proclamations of HIS Message (Honor Services Volumes I = 10 Box)

Peter's letters Main theme;

O1-The Bible Book 1-Peter Chapter; 1:1-12

"The most precious gold here on earth is? The trial of your faith by Christ!"

O2-The Bible Book 1 Peter Chapter; 1:13-25

“We must be sanctified if we want to meet Jesus Christ alive!”

O3-The Bible Book 1 Peter Chapter; 2:1-25

“We can become a sanctified temple, but then we are also a stone of stumbling!”

O4-The Bible Book 1 Peter Chapter; 3:1-22

"How are sanctified men and women to know their place, by God's Word?"

O5-The Bible Book 1 Peter Chapter; 4:1-19

"If you do not walk with them, there will be oppression, but also joy from the LORD among his people!"

O6-The Bible Book 1 Peter Chapter; 5:1-14

“How many leaders have used coercion and domination? God asks us to be humble!”

O7-The Bible Book 2 Peter Chapter; 1:1-14

“Our goal must be to partake of the Divine nature before the Second Coming!”

O8-The Bible Book 2 Peter Chapter; 2:9-22 and 3:1-5

"The Sodomites and the Bleams are pointed out, with their consequences for this time!"

O9-The Bible Book 2 Peter Chapter; 2:8-21 and 3:5

“False prophets and teachers are everywhere, do you recognize and see these deniers of God?”

O10-The Bible Book 2 Peter Chapter; 3:6-18

"That day is coming and is near, in which all the righteous and elect may be!"

Serie-7O-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Petrus

Serie-7O-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Petrus

Serie-7O-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Petrus
Serie 7O Deel 1 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 1A

Serie 7O Deel 1 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 1A

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Serie 7O Deel 2 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 1B

Serie 7O Deel 2 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 1B

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Serie 7O Deel 3 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 2

Serie 7O Deel 3 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 2

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Serie 7O Deel 4 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 3

Serie 7O Deel 4 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 3

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Serie 7O Deel 5 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 4

Serie 7O Deel 5 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 4

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Serie 7O Deel 6 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 5

Serie 7O Deel 6 Ere Dienst 1 Petrus 5

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Serie 7O Deel 7 Ere Dienst 2 Petrus 1

Serie 7O Deel 7 Ere Dienst 2 Petrus 1

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Serie 7O Deel 8 Ere Dienst 2 Petrus 2A hersteld

Serie 7O Deel 8 Ere Dienst 2 Petrus 2A hersteld

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Serie 7O Deel 9 Ere Dienst 2 Petrus 2B+3A

Serie 7O Deel 9 Ere Dienst 2 Petrus 2B+3A

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Serie 7O Deel 10 Ere Dienst 2 Petrus 3B

Serie 7O Deel 10 Ere Dienst 2 Petrus 3B

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