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Information Honorary Services Series 7-D (1 Box) Theme "After the temptation the precious fruit!";
What do we do after reading the Bible book of James, in which he brings sensitive subjects to light? What do we understand from this or better yet, what do we do with it? Do we remain as we are, or do we really want to change into God's Image? Are we like the waves of the sea; one time we talk to them and the next time to someone else? Not spreading the Pure Word of God, "It is written" will be fatal to many of us in the time of the end.

In the letter of Jude we find the answer to the question; who is meant in the Bible, when it speaks about the ungodly. These are indeed the name-SDA and the name-Christians. Now it suddenly appears that many texts in the Bible were written precisely for us and not directly, in the right sense of the word, for the unbelievers! It will come as a shock to many, when Jesus says; 'I say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: depart from me, all ye that work iniquity!'. (Luke 13:27) Jesus also uses the word ye here, just like Paul who writes for our time.


These brothers knew Jesus very well, having lived with Him for 30 years in a house, with the understanding that they did not at first accept Him as the Son of God (Mark 6:4). We must take this into account, because James and Jude write about the way ungodly men react to the servants of God James 3:14 and Jude 12:13. Know that we must fully reflect the character of Jesus Christ if we are to bring the "Loud Cry."

See "The Love of HIS Message Verse 1 and "Proclamations of HIS Message H"


Below you will find the themes used in these Honorary Services.

(for all topics see Documents/General-A-20)

Basic Series-7 Proclamations of HIS Message (Honor Services Volume I)

Box D: James + Jude - "After the temptation the precious fruit!"

D1- James 1:1-27

“Everyone is tempted, but how do we deal with this?”

D2- James 2:1-13; Luke 14:1-35

"If you do not have upright works, you will miss out

perfect faith!"

D3- James. 2:14-26; Mat. 12:33-45; 21:28-32

"If you have the sincere works, then you have passed the third test!"

D4- James 3:1-18

"A tongue full of strife, envy and bitterness, will not bring the Loud Cry!"

D5- James 4:1-17

"If the LORD wills, we will live and shout the Loud Cry!"

D6- James 5:1-20

“If we prophesy with patience, the Farmer will receive the precious fruit!”

D7- Jude 1:1-13

"The Bible history points out the ungodly sinner, and rightly so!"

D8- Jude 1:13-25

"The darkness over the 1000 years! And the 144,000 have knowledge like Enoch!"

Serie-7D-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Jakobus+Judas-Deel-1 t/m 8

Serie-7D-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Jakobus+Judas-Deel-1 t/m 8

Serie-7D-Verkondigingen van ZIJN Boodschap-Jakobus+Judas-Deel-1 t/m 8
Serie 7D Deel 1 Ere Dienst Jakobus 1

Serie 7D Deel 1 Ere Dienst Jakobus 1

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Serie 7D Deel 2 Ere Dienst Jakobus 2A+Lukas 14

Serie 7D Deel 2 Ere Dienst Jakobus 2A+Lukas 14

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Serie 7D Deel 3 Ere Dienst Jacobus 2B+Deel Matth 12+21

Serie 7D Deel 3 Ere Dienst Jacobus 2B+Deel Matth 12+21

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Serie 7D Deel 4 Ere Dienst Jakobus 3

Serie 7D Deel 4 Ere Dienst Jakobus 3

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Serie 7D Deel 5 Ere Dienst Jacobus 4

Serie 7D Deel 5 Ere Dienst Jacobus 4

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Serie 7D Deel 6 Ere Dienst Jacobus 5

Serie 7D Deel 6 Ere Dienst Jacobus 5

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Serie 7D Deel 7 Ere Dienst Judas 1A

Serie 7D Deel 7 Ere Dienst Judas 1A

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Serie 7D Deel 8 Ere Dienst Judas 1B

Serie 7D Deel 8 Ere Dienst Judas 1B

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