General information;
In the following explanation we try to guide you, from HIS Message, in the website of HIS Message. Namely how you can best follow the studies to achieve the best possible result in the shortest possible time.
When you first visit the website you will not immediately know how to best start, the basic rule is however; always start with the summary of the study you want to follow, and then start the entire study. Always start with "Basic Series 1" and then "Basic Series 2" etc.. In this way you will be trained to later independently investigate the Bible in the only correct way, in order to know what is really meant in God's Infallible Word and what you really need to believe, in order to enter the eternal kingdom of God.
Below you can click on the PDF image to download the PDF file.

We can assure you that you will be richly blessed by following these studies, because many have gone before you. You will also experience the great privilege of getting to know our Redeemer and Savior better, but also to learn to understand the prophetic Word of God yourself, because especially concerning 'the many false prophets' in the last days, Jesus Christ warns us many times. (read Matthew 24 in its entirety)
We have made a specific report to inform you in the first instance of the many counterfeits that are unfortunately found in "all nations" (churches). (read; Revelation. 18: 1-10)
If you examine this report and see points that sound familiar to you, then do everything you can to independently examine the Bible to find out why you were taught this and to be sure what the Biblical Truth is. HIS Message wants to help you with that in the form of this website. Next to it you can click on the PDF image to view the report and download it or possibly print it out to distribute.
HIS Message wants to help you, with God's grace, to better understand God's Infallible Word and to better discover the gold veins in the Bible. (the emphasis is on learning to study in the designated way)
God's Holy Spirit will personally guide you, as He has also assisted us during all activities within HIS Message, because we can do nothing by ourselves, but we can make our choice for Jesus Christ and surrender our will to Him, whereby we are also assisted by God's Holy Spirit. And when we examine everything with prayer, great miracles will happen, in our dealings with God and through HIS Infallible Word, learning to understand the prophecies, but also in our entire personal life and with whom we have dealings.

Research the website before starting the final study;
First, you can explore the website at your leisure, by reading about our objectives under the Home tab.
Then click on all the tabs (in the top bar) one by one, and read what you can find. Start at Home and then the Basic series etc.. Always scroll all the way down on the pages, because at the bottom you will find the videos with the many sheets that are used in the Bible studies.
Especially under the tabs at the top see BOOKS-1, QUOTES-1 and GENERAL you can find a lot of information to provide the study you are doing with more information in the form of symbol lists, certain scriptures, books, maps, etc. to get more clarity in the Bible but also to compare facts with the Bible as to why certain Bible texts were written in this way.
What Bibles are used? And which is the most reliable Bible?
You will also notice that the NBG Bible is used in the Basic Series 1 and 2. This is done to familiarize those who are reading a Bible for the first time with God's Word. It is common knowledge that the Staten Translation is not immediately easy to read in connection with the old Dutch text.
It is suggested that the later translations are more understandable, but you will find that many errors have crept into these translations, and worse still, often even deliberate falsifications have been made.
Therefore, we first want to convince you that all the new Bible translations correspond less to the original text than the Staten Vertaling (SV) or King James Version (KJV) Bibles.
In further studies, only the Staten Vertaling (SV) and, as additional support, the King James Version (KJV) are used.
As far as the Dutch Staten Translation is concerned, the one from the Reformed Bible Foundation is still the best translated Bible.
For more information regarding the forgeries in the latest Bibles, we refer you in the first instance to the Summary Basic Series; “The Bible and ITS Message (scroll all the way down on the website page again.

Starting the first studies of HIS Message;
If you want to start watching the first videos, we recommend you to watch the Summary of Basic Series 1 “The Love of HIS Message” first. Here you will get a first short impression of the studies that are published by HIS Message.
Then you can continue to research and study God's Infallible Word for yourself, in order to really know what God has in mind for you personally in His Plan of Redemption, but also what you can expect in this end time history. You will be fully informed, not only in the four Gospels from the New Testament, but also in the prophecies from both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
You also want to discover the gold veins in the Bible and in all sincerity receive a correct Biblical answer to all your questions, instead of what people tell you? A correct order of study, with the possible repetition of the last study, is essential, to be able to interpret God's Infallible Word in the right way.