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Below you will find a compilation from the complete series of "The Testimonies for the Church" books 1 through 9 from the "Spirit of Prophecy" books.
These entire "The Testimonies for the Church" books have been shortened, with the most important quotations summarized in these smaller "From the Treasury of Testimony" volumes which have been translated into Dutch.
There are three of these “From the Treasury of Testimony” books in total.
There are also two complete books from "The Testimonies for the Church ". These are Testimonies for the Church part 5 and part 9. Part 9 is the last book of the series, in which important events and advices are passed on by God to the Prophetess EG White and written down for our end times. These compilations and complete books are used extensively in all Bible studies, Prophet schools and Worship Services of HIS Message.
In the link below, the book from which the quote/topic comes is listed first, followed by the page numbers, which are indicated first, making them easier to find.
After this, the theme of the (sub) chapter is mentioned and finally the Bible study, School of the Prophets or Worship Service in which it is used is mentioned.
The latter has the advantage that if you would like to know more about the subject or theme below, you can view the relevant "Bible Study, School of the Prophets or Worship Service" to explore this subject in more depth, in order to better understand God's Plan of Salvation.

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